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gen. make it a routine to do something (Andrey Truhachev)
привыкать v
gen. accustom; accustom oneself; habituate oneself to; adjust; habituate; acclimatize (he couldn't acclimatize himself to the life in that new place – он не мог привыкнуть к жизни на этом новом месте); accommodate oneself to (к кому-либо); settle down to (к чему-либо); acclimate (к новому месту, ситуации, климату Taras); become accustomed (triumfov); use to; inure (If you have gotten so many mosquito bites in your life that they no longer bother you, you have become inured to them. This means you have become accustomed to tolerating them. dzingu); get adjusted (dzingu); get in the habit of doing something (к чему-либо Technical); get hip (to lucky3123); get into the habit (of); orient; make it a routine (к; to do Andrey Truhachev); settle into (qwarty); take (к чему-либо); become familiar with (к; The baby becomes familiar with eating, the parents become familiar with the baby's signals when he is hungry. ART Vancouver); be accustomed to (kee46); get used (to something – к чему-либо); grow accustomed (to something – к чему-либо Юрий Гомон); practice; practise; use; be used to (with к or inf.); get used to (with к or inf.); grow accustomed to; be into the habit of; get into the habit of; fall into a habit
Gruzovik get accustomed to (impf of привыкнуть); get into the habit of
amer. get a hang of something (I'm getting a hang of the time exchange. – Я уже привыкаю к пересчёту временных поясов. Mark_y)
inf. come to terms (к чему-либо; She's never really come to terms with her son's death. Val_Ships)
law adjust to
Makarov. fall into a habit; get a hang of; get accustomed (to; к); get into a habit; get into the way (of; к); get used (to; к); grow into (к чему-либо); orient to; settle down; take to
sl., drug. build time to the drug
привыкай v
inf. deal with it (StudentPFUR)
: 67 phrases in 8 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Equestrian sports1
Obsolete / dated1