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to phrases
привести в исполнениеstresses
gen. carry into effect; give effect to; effectuate; suit the action to the word; carry out (to carry out the sentence – привести приговор в исполнение Рина Грант); act upon (In a speech before MPs, Nikos Paraskevopoulos, the justice minister, went so far as to say that Greek authorities might seize local German properties in a bid to compensate Nazi victims. "I believe the order should be given," said the minister, adding that Greece's supreme court had ruled in favour of state authorities seizing assets to compensate survivors 15 years ago. The court decision was never acted upon. 4uzhoj); implement; put into effect; put in practice; put into practice; reduce to practice
law execute
привести в исполнение: 29 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Notarial practice1
Organized crime1