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gen. littoral; riverside; riverine; seaboard; inshore; circumlittoral
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gen. and
| морские зоны
 морская зона
law maritime zone
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to phrases
прибрежный adj.stresses
gen. littoral; riverside; riverine; seaboard; inshore; circumlittoral; nearshore (со стороны моря); orarian; portside; onshore; waterside; sea; tidewater; on-shore; shore-based (ssn); riparian; in-shore; surfside (Beside the sea КГА)
agric. coastal (sea); riparia (river)
agrochem. shore-land
archit. river
auto. coastal
biol. neritic; paractic; paractic (о планктоне)
book. riverain
bot. coastal (лат. litoralis); littoral (лат. litoralis)
dipl. adjacent to the coast
dril. near-shore
ecol. beach; coast
el. maritime
geogr. off the coast (Andrey Truhachev)
geol. beachy; foreshore; near shore
hydrobiol. alongshore; borderline; semiamphibious
law riparian
Makarov. riverian
meteorol. at the coast
mil. off-shore; offshore
mil., tech. seacoast; inshore (в пределах затопляемой полосы прилива или прибоя)
nautic. coastwise; coasting; riparian (у реки)
ocean. marginal
прибрежная adj.
el. on-coast
прибрежные и морские зоны
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
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