
   Russian English
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gen. clean; tidy; do; clear up; put away
inf. clean up; put in order; tidy
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 на стол
product. for a table

verb | verb | to phrases
прибраться vstresses
gen. pick up; put away; do some cleaning (по дому: You don't need to vacuum today. I did do some cleaning last weekend and will do again this weekend. ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. tidy oneself up (pf of прибираться); smarten oneself up (pf of прибираться); put things in order (pf of прибираться)
Gruzovik, obs. prepare for (pf of прибираться); make ready for (pf of прибираться); be about to (pf of прибираться)
inf. clean up; clear up; put in order; put things in order; smarten oneself up; tidy (up)
inf., obs. make ready (for); prepare (for); be about (to)
Makarov. clean up everything; put everything in order
obs. choose to match; pick; select
прибрать v
gen. clean; tidy; do; clear up; put away
Gruzovik put away
Игорь Миг clean up
crim.jarg. slay (MichaelBurov); kill (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, inf. put in order (pf of прибирать); tidy up (pf of прибирать)
Gruzovik, obs. select to match (pf of прибирать); pick to match (pf of прибирать); choose to match (pf of прибирать)
inf. clean up; tidy (up)
obs. choose to match; pick; select
 Russian thesaurus
прибрать v
crim.jarg. убить (кого-то: Делать было нечего – и я его прибрал (Высоцкий) MichaelBurov)
: 56 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Figure of speech4