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patents. there is provided
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gen. associate oneself
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verb | verb | to phrases
предлагать vstresses
gen. invite someone to do something (кому-либо сделать что-либо bookworm); lowball (заведомо низкую цену; to deliberately offer a lower price: to lowball the cost of a move Val_Ships); submit; advance (мнение); bad (цену); bade (цену); bede (цену); direct; interpose (услуги, помощь); offer; make proposals for; propound; set before; spring (проект); start; state; urge (прошение, оправдание); give a suggestion; propose; suggest; order (someone to do something); put forward (напр., идею или кандидата на какую-л. должность); proffer; volunteer (свою помощь, услуги); bribe; pose (a question, riddle, etc.); request (вежливо приказывать); submit (своё мнение и т. п.); table; hold forth; hold out; demand; shore; sponsor; hold out an offer; posturize; feature (This elegant restaurant on West 4th features Mediterranean cuisine with a distinct focus on the food and wine of Spain, Portugal and Southern France. ART Vancouver); get at; come up with (ssn); provide (if you like the convenience that provide you may – если вас устраивают предложенные условия комфорта, вы можете... immortalms); exhort; give (тост); market (на рынке); purpose; show (товары); make suggestion (bigmaxus); bid (цену); put; tender; call; float (идею markovka); talk about the possibility of (sankozh)
Gruzovik set (impf of предложить); offer
account. tender (в уплату)
amer. comp (бесплатно Taras); spitball (новые идеи Taras)
busin. move that; make a suggestion; recommend for (smb, кому-л.); charge; put forth
dipl. set forward an opinion; set up; initiate (что-либо)
econ. speak for
el. introduce (к использованию)
inf. vote; dangle (They refused to accept the money that was dangled before their eyes. VLZ_58)
IT market
jarg. do (услуги: at ... we don’t do only digital, only conferences or only printed stuff sankozh)
law tender an offer; submit (свою точку зрения и т.п.); deem it necessary (Анна Ф); deem it reasonable (Анна Ф); advise (Анна Ф)
Makarov. invite (The Claimant has been invited by the Tribunal to comment on the aforesaid. – Составом Арбитража Истецу было предложено представить позицию по вышеизложенному); move; advance; charge (подчинённому); conceive; present; come forth; come forward (с предложением и т. п.); come up with (план, проект); come up with (план, проект и т. п.); come with (план, проект); fling out; bring forward; make an offering; put forward (идею; чью-либо кандидатуру); put to (кому-либо; идею, тему); put up (приобрести); set before (что-либо на выбор)
math. work out; suggest a plan; recommend; develop
media. pitch (The candidate is pitching a light rail line from Greenville to Jackson Hills that travels along Main Streer, through Harbourside and Docklands, on to Lombard and then east via Stewardson Road to Jackson Hills Market. ART Vancouver)
notar. demand (administrative law); invite (to make bids, etc.); make a motion (parliamentary practice); make a proposal (parliamentary practice); make an offer (to enter into a contract; law of contracts); offer (law of contracts); propose (parliamentary practice); quote (business law); request (administrative law); move (parliamentary practice); tender (performance; law of contracts)
O&G, sakh. encourage
patents. set forward; set forth
scient. lay down (метод, формулировку и т.д. Abysslooker)
seism. pose (вопрос, задачу)
slang put up; package
tech. introduce
vulg. proposition
предлагаться v
gen. invite; offer; order; present; propose; put forward; set; submit; suggest; be offered; pose; move; put; be suggested to (Ying)
предлагается v
gen. it is suggested (that It is suggested that each subtest is scored separately and no overall test score is obtained. george serebryakov)
patents. there is provided (bonly)
torped. it is proposed (..., to do smth.)
предлагаю v
gen. I say (A: This place is incredible. B: I say we just move here. fddhhdot)
предлагать что-л. v
gen. motion (в собрании)
предлагать присоединиться: 1 phrase in 1 subject