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gen. buyer's market (A market in which conditions are better for buyers than for sellers. If sellers are numerous and under pressure to raise money quickly, while buyers are scarce and can afford to wait, it is likely that prices will be unusually low and that conditions of sale will be unusually favourable for buyers. OE. When there is a buyer's market for a particular product, there are more of the products for sale than there are people who want to buy them, so buyers have a lot of choice and can make prices come down. CCB ▪ At a time when trade unions are at their weakest for half a century, employment is definitely a buyer's market. ▪ In a buyer's market we ignore these at our peril.▪ While we see a buyer's market in terms of property, it is a seller's market for the financiers. LDOCE Alexander Demidov)
account. surplus conditions
bank. seller's over
brit. seller 's over
EBRD oversupply (raf); competitive market (oVoD); congested market (oVoD); consumer surplus (oVoD)
econ. excessive supply; excess of supply over demand; sellings over; excess supply
превышение предложений над спросом
econ. surplus conditions
polit. excess supply (ssn)
превышение предложения над спросом
: 22 phrases in 7 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development3