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verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. extol; exalt; belaud; emblazon; eulogize; laud (He was lauded for his inventive spirit and his pioneer work); vaunt; sphere (до небес); rapturize; aggrandize (сверх меры); celebrate; pedestal; give ample praise; preach up; put on a pedestal (кого-либо); flatter; cry up; make the most of something (что-либо); aggrandise (Anglophile); rhapsodize (что-либо); praise; hail; trumpet (VLZ_58); rhapsodize about (Wakeful dormouse); rhapsodise about (Wakeful dormouse); rhapsodize over (Wakeful dormouse); rhapsodise over (Wakeful dormouse); emblazon; overesteem (goldy10); fuff; imbody; imbolden; imborder; make the most of (кого-л.); puff; upraise; worthy
Игорь Миг give credit; heroize
amer. hand someone a bouquet for (кого-либо Bobrovska)
austral., inf. rap up
cinema verse (Those people versed in the Soviet art...)
dipl. emblaze
fig. valorize ("Luther was one of the first Western thinkers to articulate and valorize the inner self over the external social being." eugenealper)
inf. crack up
Makarov. bepraise; set someone on a pedestal (кого-либо)
Makarov., slang crack up (обыкн. pass употр. в отриц. предложениях)
obs. imblazon
rel., budd. aggrandize
relig. glorify; eulogize To speak or write in high praise of somebody or something; extoll; magnify; panegyrize
slang hype
uncom. superexalt; raise
превозноситься v
gen. boast; become proud; have a high opinion of oneself; pride oneself; put on airs
Игорь Миг fly high
relig. arrogance
превозносящий prtc.
gen. magnifying
relig. eulogic; extoling; extolling
превозносимый prtc.
Игорь Миг vaunted; much-vaunted; overly hyped
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gen. compliment (nikanikori)
: 59 phrases in 10 subjects
Figure of speech2
Mass media5
Obsolete / dated3