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правовые коллизииstresses
law legal collisions (vleonilh; пожалуйста, удалите неверный перевод. На английском языке ТОЛЬКО Conflict of law(s). DO NOT CONFUSE YOUR AUDIENCE!!! otherwise we will have a collision of meanings. Or a "meaningful collision" you might say.)) Проверьте себя, пожалуйста, по юридическим англоязычным сайтам. maxima)
правовая коллизия
gen. conflict of laws (conflict of law(s) n. 1 A conflict between the laws of two or more states or countries that would apply to a legal action in which the underlying dispute, transaction, or event affects or has a connection to those jurisdictions. 2 The area of law that deals with the problems arising from such a conflict. WL Alexander Demidov)
law conflict of law (Alexander Matytsin); legal conflict (A.Rezvov)
правовые коллизии
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects