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правоведы nstresses
gen. legal profession
law law people (catala-lang.org Alex_Odeychuk)
правовед n
gen. jurist (a jurist, someone who studies, analyses and comments on law, stands in contrast with a lawyer, someone who applies law on behalf of clients and thinks about it in practical terms); legislator; legist; jurisprudent; legal expert (Liv Bliss); nomographer
Gruzovik, obs. student of a law school; graduate of a law school
law jurisconsult; man of law; legal scholar; expert in the field of law (Alex_Odeychuk)
Makarov. lawyer
notar. graduate of the imperial school of jurisprudence (in the special sense of the word, as it was used before the Russian revolution); one versed in law; student of the imperial school of jurisprudence (in the special sense of the word, as it was used before the Russian revolution)
obs. graduate of law school; student of law school
polit. legalist (ssn)
правоведы: 4 phrases in 2 subjects