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gen. sip; draw; tiff
inf. nip; give a tug; absorb; draw; drift; drink
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gen. tube

verb | verb | to phrases
потягивать vstresses
gen. sip; draw; tiff; stretch; stretch (The point is to really stretch so that the blood gets flowing again throughout your entire body.); pull at; tug at; draw on (a cigarette, pipe, etc.)
Игорь Миг chug down (пиво)
Gruzovik, inf. blow; tug at; give a tug; stretch a little; have a swig of; drink; imbibe; draw in; drift
inf. nip (о спиртных напитках: to nip brandy Юрий Гомон); give a tug; absorb (little by little, occasionally); draw (in); drift; drink; have a swig (of); imbibe; stretch a little; tug (at); pull (a little, slightly, from time to time); nurse (напиток; He nursed the one drink all evening. Val_Ships)
Makarov. sip (вино и т.п.)
потягиваться v
gen. stretch; take a stretch; stretch (VLZ_58); rax; have a stretch (Sleepy cat having a stretch. ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik stretch oneself (impf of потянуться)
Makarov. stretch one's arms
som. pandiculate (nickh)
"потягивать" v
inf. sip (о спиртных напитках); taste (о спиртных напитках)
потягивать: 27 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1