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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
потрепанный adj.stresses
gen. dowdyish; frayed; scuzzy; shabby; undermaintained (Vadim Rouminsky); raggedy (ad_notam)
inf. washed-up (Andrey Truhachev)
потрёпанный adj.
gen. shabby; worn; battered; seedy; old; scaly; shot; clapped-out; threadbare; weather-beaten; well-handled; well-worn; worn to the thread; battle-scarred; eld; played-out; dingy (Anglophile); frayed (Aly19); weatherbeaten (Suvor); beat up; clapped out; played out; weather beaten; well handled; well worn; creaky (plushkina); tattered; dog-eared (bellb1rd); the worse for wear (fiuri2); raddled (жизнью george serebryakov); thread-bare (MichaelBurov)
archit. tatty
fig. seasoned (~ "видавший виды" suliko)
Gruzovik, fig. battle-scarred
inf. beat-up; ropey; ropy; scruffy (Tink)
inf., engl. clapped-out (обыкн. об автомобиле)
Makarov. poky (об одежде); shabby (об одежде)
mil., lingo have it (MichaelBurov); have one (MichaelBurov)
slang un-together; through the mill (Interex); sooner; ratty; tacky; untogether; beat (This thing is beat.I don't want it. Эта вещь сломана. Мне она не нужна. Interex)
vulg. manky
потрепать v
gen. tip (по плечу); blow about (of the wind); swingle; chuck; pat (q3mi4); dishevel (by pulling or tugging at); brake; flutter; fray (также перен.); stroke; tear; tousle; pull about; wear out (shoes, clothing, etc); rumple; chuck under
Gruzovik blow about (потрепа́ть; pf of трепать)
inf. fray; wear out; pull (with за + acc., someone’s hair, ears, etc.); whack; of illness, fever, etc. rack; thrash; beat; strike; belabour; cause to shake; toss from side to side; thresh (в боях); drub; jangle; chatter; hit; jabber; shake; whip; mention frequently; toss about
inf., fig. swingle for a while; give someone a mild beating; criticize; scutch
jarg., mil. maul (противника)
Makarov. beat up (избивать); give a hard life/time (подвергать испытаниям); maul (избивать); pummel (избивать)
mil. inflict heavy losses on
mil., jarg. maul
mil., lingo give the bloody nose (противника MichaelBurov)
потрепаться v
gen. gabble with (с кем-либо); blow about; flutter; fray (также перен.); become tattered; wear out
Gruzovik wear out (pf of трепаться); become tattered (pf of трепаться)
Gruzovik, inf. become torn to tatters; go toward; become worn out; have a chat; have a talk; head toward
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. tear (pf of трепаться); fray (pf of трепаться)
idiom., inf. shoot the breeze
inf. have a talk; head toward; become worn out; go round; have a chat; loaf; loiter about; rush about; go; move frequently
jarg. have an affair (with); lead a dissolute life; palaver; talk rubbish
jarg., inf. prattle
Makarov. chew the rag; twaddle; chew the fat
: 100 phrase in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Armored vehicles1
Humorous / Jocular1
Military lingo1