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verb | verb | to phrases
потрясти vstresses
gen. brandish (a weapon); rock; shake a little or a few times; confound; daze; dismay; jolt (волновать); thrill (сильно удивить TarasZ); overwhelm; knock into the middle of next week (кого-либо); amaze (Tink); knock out; knock; concuss; convulse; shock; stagger; knock off his pins (кого-либо); knock down with a feather; take off his feet (кого-либо); stun; taken aback (кого-либо каким-то известием,вопросом (Kathleen was taken a back by the candor of the question. Кэтлин была потрясена прямотой вопроса) Rust71); dumbfound; blow one's socks off (Анна Ф); get bumpy (о плохой дороге: It's a dirt track, might get bumpy. – ...может потрясти. 4uzhoj); give a fit (кого-либо); gobsmack (MichaelBurov); knock somebody into the middle of next week (кого-либо); wrack; wreck; shake; brace (sb., кого-л.); cut sb. to the quick; hurt someone to the quick; hurt sb. to the quick; shake sb. up (кого-л.); shake up (кого-л.); sting someone to the quick; sting sb. to the quick; touch someone to the quick; touch sb. to the quick; wound someone to the quick; wound sb. to the quick
Gruzovik shake; shake a little; shake a few times; rock (pf of потрясать)
Игорь Миг leave heads spinning
amer. jolt (She jolted the medical world with her announcement. Val_Ships)
fig. astound
idiom. hit like a ton of bricks (z484z)
inf. render someone speechless (Andrey Truhachev); leave one speechless (Andrey Truhachev); make speechless (Andrey Truhachev); floor (VLZ_58)
Makarov. give someone a fit (кого-либо); give a jolt; up-end; carry off his feet (кого-либо); come like a thunderbolt; give someone a shock (кого-либо); give someone fits (кого-либо); sweep sb off their feet (кого-либо); be a thunderbolt
slang blow one's mind (This has just blown my mind. – Это меня просто потрясло. ART Vancouver); blow mind (This has just blown my mind. – Это меня просто потрясло. ART Vancouver); rock one's world (кого-либо; to be something that someone likes very much The new video game will rock your world. КГА)
slang, Makarov. gas
sport. shake up
потрястись v
gen. rock
Gruzovik shake (pf of потрясаться); rock intrans (pf of потрясаться)
fig. totter; be rocked; be shaken up
Gruzovik, fig. go to pieces (pf of потрясаться); totter (pf of потрясаться); be shaken up (pf of потрясаться); be rocked (pf of потрясаться)
Gruzovik, inf. shake for a while; tremble for a while; be jolted
inf. shiver for a while; be jolted; tremble
потряс v
slang kikin'
 Russian thesaurus
потрясши v
gen. деепр. от потрясти
: 90 phrases in 12 subjects
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