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verb | verb | to phrases
постриженный prtc.stresses
gen. ordered (в духовный сан); professed (монах)
obs. profest (монах)
постричься v
gen. get hair cut; have hair trimmed; have a haircut; have hair cut; have a haircutting; get a haircut (I doubt people will be riding their bike to go get a haircut or bring their dry cleaning etc. ART Vancouver); take monastic vows; take the veil (of a woman); have hair cut; cut one’s hair; have one's hair cut
Gruzovik have one's hair cut (pf of постригаться)
commer. got one's hair cut (ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, relig. take monastic vows (pf of постригаться); take the veil of a woman (pf of постригаться)
hairdr. get one's hair cut (1) Kenny got his hair cut at the corner barbershop. – постригся 2) I'm looking for a good place to get my hair cut. – где можно постричься ART Vancouver)
Makarov. get a haircut; have one's hair cut (у парикмахера); have one's hair styled
постричь v
gen. give someone a haircut; shear; admit to monastic vows; cut (one’s hair, beard, etc.); give a haircut; make a monk; make a nun; trim
Gruzovik trim (pf of постригать); cut (pf of постригать); give a haircut; clip (pf of постригать)
amer. get trimmed off (How much of my hair should I get trimmed off? Val_Ships)
Gruzovik, relig. make a monk (pf of постригать); make a nun (pf of постригать); admit to monastic vows (pf of постригать)
hairdr. give someone a haircut (ART Vancouver)
: 54 phrases in 6 subjects