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поставить себя на чьё-либо местоstresses
idiom. try to walk in someone's shoes (denghu); put oneself in one's place (I can't put myself in the place of your brother because I don't have a wife and kids. ART Vancouver); place oneself in someone's position; place oneself in someone's shoes; put oneself in somebone's shoes (Well what would you do? Just put yourself in my shoes. – Ну что бы ты сделал? Просто поставь себя на моё место. TarasZ); put oneself in someone's position (В.И.Макаров); put oneself in someone's shoes (В.И.Макаров)
поставь себя на чьё-либо место
idiom. just put yourself in the shoes of (Just put yourselves in the shoes of that woman who watched her beloved puppy be torn to shreds by that pitbull – and think about how you would feel to have your face bitten off like that little boy had last month! ART Vancouver)
поставь себя на место
: 18 phrases in 5 subjects