gen. |
colony; housing development; habitation; township; village; town (обычно, городского типа Stormy); very small town (tfennell); settlement (name of administrative unit in U.S.S.R.; назв. административной ед. в СССР); housing estate (new); place; small town (Big City: 300,000+ people within city limits City: 100,000-300,000 citizens within limits Small City: 20,000-100,000 citizens within limits Big Town: 7,000-20,000 citizens within limits Town: 800-7,000 citizens within limits Small Town: 200-800 citizens within limits Village: 50-200 citizens within limits Hamlet: Community with less than 50 members. A small town generally is community possessing a post office and not much else.. Maybe a gas station or two. If you live within 10 minutes of a Wal-Mart, chances are you don't live in a small town. Also it should not be said that there is nothing to do if there is a Wal-Mart around, because there is a high probability that there is a theater or fast food restaurant around too. "Man, city people get bored too easily, if they have one uneventful night, they automatically say 'I hate living in this small town' when actually they should be saying 'This isn't so bad, imagine living in a real small town.'" UD Alexander Demidov); hamlet |
Gruzovik |
new housing estate; new housing subdivision; new housing estate; new housing subdivision |
admin.geo. |
rural community (To the south are little rural communities—still too individual to be called suburbs—such as Surlingham,Stoke Holy Cross and Caister St Edmund. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver) |
adv. |
housing estate |
alum. |
compound (иногда village) |
amer. |
village (городского типа) |
cartogr. |
quarters |
construct. |
market town (с рынком); parish territory; residential parish; encampment; estate; micropolitan; camp; rural community |
geogr. |
small town |
law |
rural settlement |
Makarov. |
community; locality; residential community; settlement (of urban type; городского типа); neighborhood (где проживают от 500 до 1000 семейств, США) |
med. |
settlement (напр. для туберкулёзных больных) |
mil., tech. |
campus |
O&G, sakh. |
housing complex (Зима) |
sociol. |
built-up area; human settlement |
tech. |
settlement; residential settlement |
Russian thesaurus |
gen. |
в Российской Федерации низовая административно-территориальная единица, населённый пункт, расположенный вне городской черты. Существует 3 вида: рабочие посёлки на их территории имеются промышленные предприятия, стройки, железнодорожные узлы и другие объекты; население не менее 3 тыс. человек; курортные посёлки имеют лечебное значение; население не менее 2 тыс. человек; дачные посёлки места летнего отдыха горожан. Население рабочих и курортных поселков общее название "посёлок городского типа" включается в состав городского населения. Большой Энциклопедический словарь |