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idiom. serves you right (Andrey Truhachev); it serves you right! (Andrey Truhachev)
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gen. pay the penalty (за что-л.); pay the penalty for (sth, за что-л.); pay the price (за что-л.); pay the price for (sth., за что-л.); serve someone right (My friend never studies at all so it serves him right to fail his exam – Мой друг никогда ничего не учит, поэтому он заслужил провала на экзамене Taras)
Игорь Миг not to get away with it
idiom. have it coming (The jury felt the guy had it coming, so they didn't convict her of attacking him. shergilov); come to one's autumn (Bobrovska); come back to haunt (someone); You've been treating people like cow manure lately and it's finally coming back to haunt you. VLZ_58)
Makarov. get one's deserts
slang got it coming ("Sorry about your failure, John. But you got it coming to you. You didn't crack a book until the night before exam". == "Мне действительно жаль, что ты провалился, - говорит Мик Джону. - Но ты заслужил это. Ты ведь так и не раскрыл книги до последнего вечера перед экзаменом".); ride the beef (Look pal, you screwed up and now you're gonna ride the beef for it! joyand)
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: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Explanatory translation1