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gen. in full; all the way through; energetically; implicitly; roundly; totally
inf. bag and baggage; the whole kit and kaboodle
math. bodily; thoroughly
| динамический регистр
 динамический регистр
tech. dynamic register
| управляемый положительным фронтом
 управляемый положительным фронтом
progr. positive edge-triggered
| основанный на концепции
 основан на концепции
progr. is focused on a charter
| ведущий
gen. presenter
- only individual words found

noun | adverb | to phrases
полностью nstresses
footb. entire circumference (ball)
полностью adv.
целиком; в полном объеме; до конца; от корки до корки
gen. in full; all the way through (до конца: No one has ever listened to one of your albums all the way through. arturmoz); energetically; implicitly; roundly; totally; exactly; radically; wholeheartedly (Alex_Odeychuk); downright (Andrey Truhachev); clearly (напр., clearly discloses ... sankozh); alow and aloft (VLZ_58); clear through (I'm sad clear through. I slept clear through the night. Wakeful dormouse); quite; from A to Z; in its entirety; neck and crop; overall; to the fingernails; up and down; well and truly; up to here; in the slump (Franka_LV); plain out (Баян); from cover to cover (vp_73); by the root (ssn); in splinters; to the root; stark (stark naked); in all (a dozen in all – всего дюжина); in toto; in whole; long; chock-full (Taras); sheerly (Mermaiden); squarely (A.Rezvov); soundly; singularly (Andrey Truhachev); overwhelmingly (Anglophile); completely; exhaustively; seamlessly (supporting seamless integration with... sankozh); through and through (That woman’s evil through and through vogeler); right; all of (весь); full advantage; all over; fully; wholly; clean; dead; sheer; all to pieces; without reserve; all-out; all ready; hundred-per-cent; thorough-stitch; toto caelo; whole-hog; at large; outright; well; straight up (vogeler); to the top of one's bent; at full stretch; down to rock bottom; the whole shop; every bit; out and away; out and out; way; back and edge (chajnik); in hide and hair; in every detail (Johnny Bravo); blankly; entirely; purely; consummately; to the bone; to the gills; utterly (There is also little doubt that the west has failed utterly in deterring Russia. Anglophile); comprehensively (Svetlana17); full blast; hundred per cent; right down; thorough stitch; whole hog; stock and barrel; all the the whole way; all out; all to splinters; at all (обыкн. в отрицательных, вопросительных и условных предложениях; в утвердительном значении употребляется только в ирландских диалектах и в разговорной речи в некоторых районах США); into splinters; the whole nine yards (the) whole nine yards – everything; to go the whole nine yards – do everything possible: When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards, with three courses and a choice of dessert; When I eat Mexican food, I like to have fajitas, bean dip, guacamole – the whole nine yards Taras); in full measure (My expectations were met in full measure oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com Lena Nolte); everything and anything (Sergei Aprelikov); thick and thin (Vadim Rouminsky); from top to bottom (Post Scriptum); one hundred percent; solid (о цвете, составе материала и т.п.: Short guys. Large heads. Big eyes, that are often solid black. Reduced or non-existent nose, lips and ears. Grey skin. This is the common conception of an alien around most of the world. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг full-on (She's still full-on blind, right?); just fine; by the slump
amer. teetotally; from the ground up; with both feet; for fair
austral., slang the whole bang lot
busin. 100% (MichaelBurov); all in all; all-in-all
combust. on component basis (replacement on component basis-замена всего оборудования) целиком Евгения Синкевич)
construct. at length
emph. in extenso; right-down
fig. wholesale
fin. without deduction (Andrey Truhachev)
footb. whole of the ball
fr. fond; a fond
idiom. to a full degree (Баян); to the fullest degree (Баян); down pat (Born in 2005, little Oliver seems to have his grandpa's (Peter Fonda's) impish look down pat! VLZ_58); stock and store (Yeldar Azanbayev); full monty (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. bag and baggage (Liv Bliss); the whole kit and kaboodle (Liv Bliss); lock, stock and barrel; to a tee (That job would suit you to a tee Taras); square; hook, line and sinker; to a fraction; hollow; proper (plushkina); the whole nine yards (Colleen had gone the whole nine yards, dressing up as a fortune teller, complete with huge gold earrings and a headscarf, which she'd plucked from her normal accessory box, she told Bronte. )
inf., amer. all hollow
insur. in full (lumpsum; люмпсум)
invect. up the ass; shit
Makarov. chock; chuck; closely; up to the hilt; absolute; richly; clear; down to the ground; all the way; every inch; good and proper; integrally; right to a T; to the full; top of one's bent Shakespeare; to the top of one's bent Shakespeare; directly; through; full; the whole way; all the whole way
Makarov., inf., amer. to the handle
market. in their entirety (akimboesenko)
math. bodily; thoroughly; whatsoever; print your name and address in full; in total; uninterruptedly; absolutely; altogether; as a unit; as a whole; at all; of all; throughout; without gaps; readily; perfectly
nautic. over-all; chock
O&G, sahk.r. all inclusive
pharm. drip dry (Andy)
railw. all
relig. from A to izzard
Scotl. athegither (Yerkwantai)
scottish to the masthead
slang massively (Interex); body and breeches; cold; flat-out; full-blast full blast; stone; full sesh (Interex); mondo (Interex); plumb (I'm plumb fed up with this mess. Я полностью сыт по горло этим бардаком. Interex)
tech. full arc
water.res. complete
полностью динамический регистр, управляемый положительным фронтом, основанный на концепции " ведущий
: 2 phrases in 1 subject