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покорить сердцаstresses
gen. capture the hearts (Prior to 2015, Zelmerlöw had competed for Eurovision several times before. He captured the hearts of Swedes many years ago, and now he is ready to take on the world. – goo.gl dimock); win all hearts (всех)
Игорь Миг mesmerize; razzle-dazzle (зрителей;слушателей)
покорить чьё-либо сердце
gen. gain heart; steal a way into heart; steal a way to heart; make a mash on; steal someone's heart (Oleksandr Spirin)
fig. win someone's heart
Makarov. obtain someone's heart; win someone's heart
покорить чьё-л. сердце
gen. gain smb.'s heart; win smb.'s heart (all hearts, все сердца́)
покорённое сердце
gen. conquest
покорить сердца
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects