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gen. be done with; do away with; have done with; make away (кем-либо); pack a thing up (чем-либо); smudge out of existence (чем-либо); break ties with (чем-то bigmaxus); get done with (чем-либо); make away with (кем-либо; убить); be through with (чем-либо); have something over with (чем-либо; Don't you think you'd better do it and have it over with? Wakeful dormouse); see to (чем-либо; to take care of something: After seeing to the shopping, cleaning and cooking, he finally sat down for some rest. 4uzhoj); get over with (чем-либо alexs2011); despatch with; determinate (кем-л.); determine (кем-л.); remove one out of the way (кем-л.); speed (кем-л.); do (кем-л.)
Игорь Миг wipe out; put to rest (putting the conflict to rest); break free of; wrap up; break away from; zap
busin. be done; have done
dipl. put paid to something (ч-либо bigmaxus)
econ. be done with something (ч-либо); dispose of (ч-либо)
fig. graduate (Баян); stamp out (напр., болезнью, бедностью и т.д.: This is a critical issue, because the more countries that are involved, the more likely it is that vaccines will be rationally distributed and the more efficient the work to stamp out the pandemic. • In 2016, The UN political declaration on ending AIDS set the world on a fast-track to stamp out the epidemic by 2030. • We aim to stamp out poverty in our lifetimes. 4uzhoj)
idiom. bring an end to (Our new in-flight menu should bring an end to those cliched airline food jokes once and for all. – позволит раз и навсегда покончить с ART Vancouver); put something to bed (чем-то; to put (something) to bed = to finish dealing with something – This is an opportunity for us to put some of these problems to bed. Gilbert)
Makarov. do away with (кем-либо чём-либо); get over (чем-либо); have done (someone – кем-либо); have done with (someone – кем-либо); knock something on the head (чем-либо); make off (кем-либо); to male off (кем-либо); polish off (ра议ӯ.; чем-либо); put a period to something (чем-либо); set an end to something (чем-либо); sweep away
Makarov., inf. fix someone's hash (кем-либо); get through with something (чем-либо); settle someone's hash (кем-либо)
Makarov., slang put in the pin (чем-либо)
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gen. do away with
покончить кем-либо, с
Makarov. put the kibosh on someone, something (чем-либо)
покончить с (чем-л.)
gen. get something done (ART Vancouver)
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: 236 phrases in 20 subjects
American usage, not spelling9
Cliche / convention1
Humorous / Jocular1
Intelligence and security services2
Prison slang1
United Nations1