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gen. go down the pan (Anglophile); go bust (Anglophile); go up the spout (Anglophile); go down the drain (aza); go over the left shoulder; end in smoke (Юрий Гомон); go up in smoke (Rust71); go to waste (driven)
Игорь Миг go broke
context. turn to ashes (Olya34)
idiom. be ruined (Andrey Truhachev); go out the window (VLZ_58); go down the tubes (Anglophile); blow up in one's face (Taras); explode in one's face (Taras)
idiom., inf. go to the dogs
inf. go to the dickens; come unstuck; go down the chute (Anglophile)
law unravel (Nearly five years of negotiations unraveled in June for reasons still being hotly debated... = Почти пять лет переговоров пошли прахом в июне по причинам, в отношении которых до сих пор идут ожесточённые споры... Leonid Dzhepko)
Makarov. go to blazes; go to hell; go to pigs and whistles; go to pot; go to the devil; go to rack and ruin; go to the devil to go to pigs and whistles; go to the devil to to go to pigs and whistles; go to the dogs to to go to pigs and whistles; run into the sand
Makarov., fig. run to seed
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