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verb | verb | to phrases
познакомить vstresses
gen. possess of; possess with; acquaint (acquaint oneself with something – знакомиться с чем-либо; get acquainted with something – познакомиться, ознакомиться с чем-либо); familiarize (with); acquaint with (кого-либо, с чем-либо); acquaint (кого-либо, с чем-либо); habituate; turn on (научить, напр., курить и т.п.); introduce (to: Have you two been introduced (to each other)? cambridge.org); put in touch with (кого-либо, с кем-либо); give exposure (Никита Лисовский); put in touch (with someone – кого-либо с кем-либо: Once the mutual friend put them in touch with one another); put in the picture (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik introduce to (pf of знакомить)
amer. fix up (= to arrange a meeting or date for a single person:: Marilyn fixed me up with her sister Emily. ART Vancouver)
amer., inf. put next to (кого-либо, с чем-либо)
dipl. introduce one person to another (кого-либо, с кем-либо)
idiom. take on a voyage of discovery (кого-либо с чем-либо малоизвестным denghu)
inf. turn on to (turn someoned on to something/someoned – My buddy turned me on to this website; My aunt turned me on to jazz; My teacher has turned me on to these powerful exercises Баян)
math. introduce to
slang hook up (кого-либо с кем-либо: I should hook you guys up someday! Carlie)
познакомиться v
gen. become friends; get acquainted; acquaint; become acquainted (with); make acquaintance; befriend; get off; pick up (с кем-либо); make the acquaintance (of); make acquaintance, to make the acquaintance of (с кем-либо); make acquaintance with (с кем-либо); make the acquaintance of (с кем-либо); get to know (northern_monkey); make one another's acquaintance (друг с другом Игорь Primo); experience (с чем-либо Юрий Гомон); learn first-hand about (Liv Bliss); buddy up (Taras); familiarize oneself (with); introduce oneself; investigate; study; know (с кем-либо); take a foray (But first let’s take a brief foray into the world of Russian toast-making, which is a bit curious. VLZ_58); make someone's acquaintance (с кем-либо; I had the pleasure of making your father's acquaintance the other day Johnny Bravo); make someone's acquaintance (с кем-либо Dimitriy_R); get familiar with (george serebryakov); get to know each other (после встречи: Knowing that two’s company and three’s a crowd, I went back to the house leaving the two guests on the patio to get to know each other. ART Vancouver); have made the acquaintance (of ... – с ... defense.gov Alex_Odeychuk); become familiar (with); pick up an acquaintance with (smb., с кем-л.); meet (sb., с кем-л.); make one's acquaintance (A couple of years ago, shortly after moving into his house, TikTok user Adam discovered he had some incredibly adorable neighbors. They were chipmunks, living happily around his property. He decided to make their acquaintance. Adam began leaving the occasional pile of nuts out for the chipmunks to munch on, a friendly gesture to help keep their bellies full. thedodo.com ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik meet (pf of знакомиться); familiarize oneself with (pf of знакомиться)
dipl. come to know (bigmaxus)
inf. hook up (с кем-либо: Fortunately, I've hooked up with this guy who joined around the same time as me and we go out and have a moan about things and just generally share our frustrations. VLZ_58)
Makarov., arch. taste of
Makarov., inf. pick up with (с кем-либо)
math. be acquainted
mining. get acquainted with
neol. e-meet (касается только виртуального знакомства, через интернет, в электронной переписке: напр. "рад познакомиться/знакомству" –: Nice to e-meet you merriam-webster.com Artjaazz); emeet (касается только виртуального знакомства, через интернет, в электронной переписке: напр. "рад познакомиться/знакомству" –: Nice to e-meet you Artjaazz)
: 228 phrases in 24 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention3
Cultural studies1
Gold mining1