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позаботиться о том, чтобыstresses
gen. take care that; make sure that; see to it that ('So, what I mean to say, although the providence which watches over good men saw to it that I was enabled to complete the homeward journey unscathed except in the billowy portions, removing from my path all goats, elephants and owls that looked like my Aunt Agatha, it was frowning and jaundiced Bertram who finally came to anchor at the Brinkley Court front door." (P.G. Wodehouse) – позаботилось о том, чтобы я смог ... ART Vancouver); make a point of (something/doing something) to take care in doing something; to pay attention or ensure that something is done: So, because we went to school together I'll think of something to tell him and you, Captain, will make a point of finding out what's going on and putting a stop to it. aithene)
context. procure that (сугубо мой личный контекстуальный вариант dragonfly_89)
позаботиться о том, чтобы...
gen. see to it that...
позаботьтесь о том, чтобы
gen. make sure that (Ivan Pisarev)
позаботиться о том , чтобы
: 23 phrases in 3 subjects