
   Russian English
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gen. drag up; pull up; drag up; pull up to; drag up to
tech. drag; haul
gen. drag up; pull up
| брёвна
gen. log
| на
gen. on
| погрузочную площадку
 погрузочная площадка
avia. yard

verb | verb | to phrases
подтаскивать vstresses
gen. drag up (to); pull up (to); pull up to (with к); drag up to
Gruzovik drag up to (impf of подтащить)
tech. drag; haul
подтаскиваться v
gen. drag up (to); pull up (to)
Gruzovik, inf. drag oneself up to (impf of подтащиться); approach with difficulty (impf of подтащиться)
inf. approach with difficulty; drag oneself up (to)
подтаскивать: 8 phrases in 2 subjects
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