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gen. change (intentionally); substitute (for); slip in
Gruzovik, inf. find a temporary replacement for oneself (pf of подмениваться, подменяться)
inf. find temporary replacement for oneself; replace (someone for a while)
подменить v
gen. replace; step into the breach (triumfov); change (intentionally); substitute (for); slip in; substitute for (В.И.Макаров); divert (Once we diverted her luggage when she travelled. – Однажды мы подменили ей багаж, когда она была в поездке. Anfamoskva); step in for (Technical); pinch-hit (кого-либо Taras); remove stealthily and replace with smth. else; take the place of (for a short time)
Gruzovik substitute for intentionally (pf of подменивать, подменять); slip in intentionally (pf of подменивать, подменять); change intentionally (pf of подменивать, подменять)
Gruzovik, inf. replace someone for a while (pf of подменивать, подменять)
inf. replace (someone for a while); cover for (Dr. Johnson's partner agreed to cover for him during his vacation. 4uzhoj); step in (кого-либо – for someone; на работе и т.п.: I couldn't find anyone to step in for me so that I could take a break from my caregiving duties 4uzhoj); provide locum work for (кого-нибудь по работе Marina Smirnova); fill in for (Can you fill in for me during my shift? Можешь подменить меня в мою смену? Ivan Pisarev); fill in (кого-либо – for someone; на работе и т.п.: I hate to ask you this, but could you fill in for me on Wednesday? Alexander Oshis); take over for (напр., выйти на работу вместо заболевшего коллеги indexland); cover someone's shifts (на работе: I'm going to call in sick and your mother is going to cover my shifts, and when the park is closed we will go into the veterinary clinic and do some tests. 4uzhoj)
: 16 phrases in 8 subjects