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verb | verb | to phrases
подкинуть vstresses
подкидывать; подбросить
gen. give a lift (подвезти Anglophile); dump (Andrew Goff); thrown on (Andrew Goff); toss (монетку в воздух: Let's toss a coin and decide. Heads, I drive; tails, you drive. Andrew Goff); leave (подкинуть ребёнка – leave/abandon child on the doorstep Andrew Goff); pick up (на автомашине или ином транспорте); plant (e.g. the police planted the drugs MyagkiyZnak); flip (денег кому-либо: Flip a tenner his way jouris-t); add (to); throw in; throw on; toss up; toss in (VLZ_58); throw up; slip; place surreptitiously; abandon (a child)
Gruzovik place surreptitiously; add to (pf of подкидывать)
amer. give sb. a lift (кого-л.); give sb. a ride (кого-л.)
fig., inf. convey; deliver; furnish; supply
grass.hock. undercut
Gruzovik, fig. give a lift (pf of подкидывать)
inf. throw under; tip (что-либо кому-либо); drop off (at – до какого-либо места на машине 4uzhoj)
inf., context. drop off (работы кому-либо: But just as you're getting into the zone, your boss stops by to drop off some work and learn about your progress on the project. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. give someone a lift (кого-либо)
slang flake (VLZ_58)
trav. give a ride (Andrey Truhachev)
подкинуться v
gen. throw in; place surreptitiously; throw on; toss up; add (to)
fig., inf. convey; deliver; furnish; give a lift; supply
Gruzovik, inf. fly up (pf of подкидываться); leap up (pf of подкидываться)
inf. fly up; leap up; throw under
подкину: 23 phrases in 7 subjects
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