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подкалывать vstresses
gen. needle (дразнить Anglophile); fake; josh (Anglophile); take potshots at (someone Anglophile); append (to a document or file); attach; chip off (ice, etc); chop up (some more); cut away; fasten on; pin on; poke (т.е. подшучивать/язвить Tanya Gesse); tease (vitalinew); mess around with (i like messing around with you – я люблю тебя подкалывать TaylorZodi); lay into (grigoriy_m); pin up
Gruzovik pin up; pin on (impf of подколоть); fasten on (impf of подколоть); cut away ice, etc (impf of подколоть); chip off ice, etc (impf of подколоть); chop up some more (impf of подколоть); attach to a document or file (impf of подколоть); append to a document or file (impf of подколоть)
Игорь Миг get at; mock; jab at; jockey; wind up
amer. banter (Val_Ships)
brit. hack (probably American (he was hacking on me – Young Guns) Capital); wind up (кого-либо; she’s only winding me up Bullfinch)
fig. rib (eugenealper)
fig., inf. taunt; sting
Gruzovik, fig. sting (impf of подколоть); taunt (impf of подколоть); needle (impf of подколоть)
Gruzovik, inf. stab (impf of подколоть); wound (impf of подколоть)
inf. bait (someone); синоним – подтрунивать alex); take the mickey out of (кого-либо Andrey Truhachev); hoax (sb Andrey Truhachev); stab; wound; lark about (друг друга Andrey Truhachev); lark around (друг друга Andrey Truhachev); kid (someone Andrey Truhachev); mess with (I like messing around with you – мне нравится тебя подкалывать TaylorZodi); spitball (someone – кого-либо Ремедиос_П); needle; twit; chop up some more of (with gen.); goof (MichaelBurov)
slang fuck off; give the needle; short-sheet (Slivas); keed (ZarinD); come the acid (VLZ_58); break balls (I'm just breaking your balls! vogeler); fake ("Don't ever try to fake me!" == "Даже не пытайся меня надуть!"); kid (шутить: "Are you kidding?" - "No! No kiddings!" == "Ты шутишь?" - "Нет! Я серьезно!")
"подкалывать" v
inf. take jabs at (Баян); take pokes at (Баян)
Makarov., new.zeal., austral. chuck off (кого-либо)
подкалываться v
gen. append (to a document or file); attach; chip off (ice, etc); chop up (some more); cut away; fasten on; pin on; pin up
Игорь Миг poke fun
fig., inf. needle; taunt; sting; tease
inf. stab; wound
slang fraternize
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects