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verb | verb | to phrases
подбрасывать vstresses
gen. throw; jolt; foist; palm; toss (монетку в воздух: You toss a coin and it comes up heads three times. What is the chance that the next toss will also be a head?); jump; toss up; jounce; toss around (User); replenish; ply (дрова); fling in (сверх чего-либо); shake; throw in; throw on (more of something); jiggle; pitch; slip (Ася Кудрявцева); add; put stealthily; upthrow; throw up; throw under (with под + acc.); toss under; slip; place surreptitiously; abandon (a child)
Gruzovik plant stealthily (impf of подбросить); put stealthily (impf of подбросить); throw in (impf of подбросить); throw on (impf of подбросить); shake (impf of подбросить)
Gruzovik, inf. deliver (impf of подбросить); give a lift (impf of подбросить)
hockey. scoop stroke
inf. give a lift; plant (бомбу, инкриминирующие материалы и т.п.); pick up (a passenger); toss up and down
Makarov. plant; plant (наводящие вопросы); force up; jog up and down
Makarov., inf. pitch out (мысль)
math. flip; suppose you toss a coin a hundred times
подбрасываться v
gen. jolt; plant; shake; throw in; throw on; toss up; add; put stealthily
Gruzovik, inf. fly up (impf of подброситься)
inf. deliver; give a lift
: 67 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Criminal law1
Mass media1