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плохо себя вестиstresses
gen. be naughty ('Why is he hiding, Uncle Roy? Has he been naughty?' Abysslooker); misbehave (Franka_LV); be at it; behave badly (wikipedia.org jodrey); be a bad boy (о человеке, домашнем животном: She looked at me as if I'd been a bad boy in school. • Even though I was a bad boy yesterday morning, Mama still took me on an adventure in the afternoon. • The old lady is telling her cat that he's been a bad boy, and he's clawed the furniture for the last time, and she won't have it. 4uzhoj); be a bad girl (о человеке, домашнем животном: She's been a bad girl today and she's been told to stay in her seat until class is over. • She's been a bad girl today, Talking back. • Oh, she's been a bad girl today, she peed on the carpet. 4uzhoj)
austral., slang muck up
inf. mess up (george serebryakov)
Makarov. act up (часто о детях)
Makarov., inf., engl. play up
modern act up (Nuto4ka)
плохо себя вести
: 27 phrases in 5 subjects
Cliche / convention1