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gen. grow; overgrow (что-либо); outgrow (She's learned a lot from you over the last year. Maybe the pupil thinks she's outgrowing the mentor. Taras); bloom into (в Notburga); escalate; outwear; grow out (рамки, границы, размеры of); outstrip (in height, also fig); overtop; degenerate (во что-либо); bleed over (Her confidence would often bleed over into bossiness VLZ_58); develop (with в + acc., into); be over age; be too old (for); pass the age limit; deteriorate into (VLZ_58); age out of (выйти из возраста, для которого характерны определённые черты личности, модели поведения, склонности, потребности, проблемы, недостатки Баян); swell (Here Warren’s whisper swelled into a cry... Abysslooker); outgrow; evolve (into)
Gruzovik grow taller than (impf of перерасти); be over-age (impf of перерасти); overtop (impf of перерасти); pass the age limit (impf of перерасти); be too old for (impf of перерасти)
biotechn. overgrow
fig. turn (into)
fig.of.sp. metastasize (There was probably some nervous laughter, confusion, a bit of comforting chatter with seatmates, followed by a brief period in which anxiety had not yet metastasized into terror. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik, fig. grow into (impf of перерасти); develop into (impf of перерасти); turn into (impf of перерасти)
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. outstrip in height (impf of перерасти)
Makarov. grow out; degenerate into (во что-либо); grow out of something (что-либо)
tech. build up; build up into
: 43 phrases in 10 subjects
Mass media1
Security systems2