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verb | verb | to phrases
перепутать vstresses
gen. mull; mix up; twist up; make a muddle of (что-либо); get wrong (Sorry, I got my dates wrong. It's on the 5th, not the 6th of December. ART Vancouver); mistake; make a mull of (что-либо); intertangle; boss; get sth. mixed up (The accused claims she was only trying to scare her husband but got the brake and the accelerator mixed up. ART Vancouver); mistake something for something else (the man who mistook his wife for a hat indrajiita); mistake for (SirReal); muddle; misrecognize ("John?" "No." "Oh sorry! I misrecognized you. You are George, right?" Rami88); mix sth up (vsemend); mis sb up with another man (кого-то) с (кем-то z484z); cant over; make hay of (sth., что-л.)
Gruzovik entangle (pf of перепутывать); intertangle (pf of перепутывать)
amer., slang snafu
fig. muddle up; crossing wires (they are possibly crossing wires between those two entities – они наверное перепутали эти два объекта. cambridge.org oniko)
Gruzovik, fig. muddle up (pf of перепутывать)
inf. mucker; get something all wrong; mix something up with something (VLZ_58); confuse two things with each other (VLZ_58); get A and B mixed up (VLZ_58); get A and B confused (VLZ_58)
Makarov. garble; get wrong; make a hash of something (что-либо); make a mash of something (что-либо); make a mess of something (что-либо); make a muddle of something (что-либо)
Makarov., slang cock up
math. confuse with; implicate
tech. confuse
vulg. make a balls of something (что-либо)
перепутаться v
gen. become tangled; become entangled; be in a muddle; get entangled; get tangled; intertangle; entangle; be in a muddle
Gruzovik get tangled (pf of перепутываться); get entangled (pf of перепутываться)
fig. confuse; mix up; muddle up; get confused
Gruzovik, fig. get confused (pf of перепутываться)
Makarov. get mixed up
Перепутать v
gen. mix it up (vsemend)
: 56 phrases in 15 subjects
Electrical engineering1
Military lingo1
Oil / petroleum1
Quotes and aphorisms2