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переплачиваться vstresses
gen. overpay; pay excessively
переплачивать v
gen. pay through the nose; pay the extra money (Don't get me wrong, that organic turkey tasted good. I'm just not sure if it was worth all the extra money I paid. ART Vancouver); pay more (Nobody enjoys paying more for things that cost 30 per cent less across the street. ART Vancouver); pay over; pay excessively; upcharge (lust); pay too much (kee46)
Gruzovik overpay (impf of переплатить); pay excessively (impf of переплатить)
account. overbuy (при покупке)
bank. pay up
brit. pay above the odds (House prices in the capital are mainly defined by location and Londoners regularly pay above the odds to acquire desirable postcodes. londontown.com inyazserg); pay over the odds (I really like your new dress but you paid over the odds for it – Мне действительно нравится твоё новое платье, но ты за него переплатила Taras)
busin. pay a premium (Ivan Pisarev); pay higher (Ivan Pisarev); pay extra (Ivan Pisarev); pony up (Ivan Pisarev)
econ. outprice
libr. overpay
Makarov. pay more; pay the extra money
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects