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gen. take the game/war to (someone Межирицкий); go into the offensive; take the offensive; push forward to the attack; deliver an attack; push forward on the offensive (Tamerlane); go over to the offensive; break forward (Alex Lilo); go on the attack (1. to begin an attack: The team went on the attack and quickly scored a goal. 2. to be strongly critical or opposing: The candidate went on the attack and accused his opponent of lying. Opponents of the project went on the attack and defeated the land sale. Alexander Demidov); advance into action (soulm8)
Gruzovik, mil. go over to the offensive
mil. go on the offensive (Andrey Truhachev); launch an attack (пример из Учебника военного перевода п/р проф. Л.Л. Нелюбина Военного изд-ва МО СССР, М.-1981: The battalion was assigned the mission to launch an attack at 010315 January. Батальону была поставлена задача перейти в наступление 1 января в 3.15. solitaire); assume the offensive; change over to the offensive; go onto the offensive; initiate the offensive; launch the offensive; pass to the offensive
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: 6 phrases in 2 subjects