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verb | verb | adjective | verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
передавать vstresses
gen. convey (в самых разных значениях: звук, запах, информацию, данные, право на владение имуществом, впечатления, вид и т.д. |: e.g.: I'm afraid I don't have a photo that really conveys the look of it.); funnel (часто незаконно: to send something directly and intentionally: No one knows who has been funnelling weapons to the terrorists. VLZ_58); entrust to (Johnny Bravo); delegate (полномочия); alienate; delate; entail; bring to pass; speak; turn; yield; deliver; give; broadcast; reproduce; render; tell; take message; convey (имущество или право на владение имуществом); transfer (имущество и т. п.); communicate; consign; hand over (другому); impart; transfuse (чувства и т. п.); turn over (a matter); pass on (an infection); dispose; assign (имущество); make over; carry; cede; circulate; devolve (полномочия, обязанности и т. п.); favour (favoured by somebody – переданное кем-либо); reach; relinquish; repeat; shift (другому); sign away (право, собственность); deliver over; give over; hand on; part with (что-либо); pass over; send over; traject (мысли); depute (полномочия или власть); project (мысли, чувства); delegate (полномочия и т.п.); entrust; get through (кому-либо); hand down (из поколения в поколение); hand on (из поколения в поколение); interpret (настроение, переживания); resign (на чьё-либо попечение и т.п.); take in; yield up; air (по радио bix); put something in the hands of (bookworm); make a pass (мяч); feature (Notburga); leak (информацию); pass down; recommit; spin off; circulated (ся); pass round; intrust; render (дух произведения); make over (напр., здание под что-либо; for); make over for (напр., здание под что-либо); present (with); present (телепрограмму, радиопередачу); bring across (атмосферу Tamerlane); concede (что-либо); pass; help (за столом); leave; take (В.И.Макаров); buck (plushkina); put across (атмосферу Tamerlane); distribute (D.Lutoshkin); pass on to (кому-л. Stas-Soleil); pass along (relay some information to someone: Please feel free to pass this information along to others. 4uzhoj); divest (LenaSH); relay (дальше по цепочке, но особ. по радио или другим каналам связи: The FO will naturally relay information back to the battallion or company commander (wichever the FO is attached to) and that information will trickle down to the lower ranks. • The CCTV cameras relay what's going on to the headquarters. 4uzhoj); make a handoff (Taras); turn over to (turn somebody or something over to somebody – в чьи-то руки, под чью-то ответственность: Customs officials turned the man over to the police vogeler); remember to (someone – кому-либо) привет (от кого-либо; Good-bye, Mr. Brocklehurst; remember me to Mrs. and Miss Brocklehurst sankozh); remember to (someone – кому-либо) поклон (от кого-либо sankozh); communicate (в т. ч. материальные вещи, а не только сведения и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky); echo (VLZ_58); describe; give too much; pay too much; portray; report; spread; bear (информацию); despatch; pipe (по проводам; о радио, телевидении, телефоне); refer; say; relate (to Taras); imply (неявно Супру); put; transfer over (4uzhoj); get across (мысль и т.п.: It doesn't have to be perfect. As long as it gets the idea across, that's all that matters. 4uzhoj); mediate (=convey: As much as language in our modern technological world is mediated through the written word, quantitatively spoken language still reigns supreme.); hand off (с рук на руки: They hand him off to a man named Don Carmelo to deliver him to Emilia's nephew, Don Diego Velázquez.); beam (VLZ_58); convey down; give away; set over (кому-л.); hand (something to someone); hand sth. in
Gruzovik report (impf of передать); hand over (impf of передать); give at different times a large quantity of; portray (impf of передать); describe (impf of передать)
account. remit
astronaut. hand off (to, управление ЛА, контроль)
auto. translate
automat. route (УП из центральной ЭВМ в УЧПУ)
avia. transmit (по радиосвязи); detach
bank. negotiate
busin. relegate; resign; submit; deliver to; deliver up; surrender
cinema capture
comp. announce; transfer
comp., MS pipe (In Windows PowerShell, to send the results of the preceding command as input to the next command in the pipeline)
comp., net. stream (данные Enotte)
construct. release (UZGTL(выполненный объект другому исполнителю для дальнейших работ) Fuat); carry over
corp.gov. provide (напр., информацию igisheva)
dipl. send (по радио); commit (на рассмотрение, хранение); devolve (обязанности, функции); devolve (по наследству, по традиции); render (другими словами); transmit (новости и т.п.)
econ. spin-off (в другую фирму); farm out (в другую отрасль или организацию); make over (собственность); present; hand down; hand in (вручать); turn over (другому лицу); hand over (вручать)
el. disseminate; intercommunicate (информацию); transmit; carry (напр. сообщение); relay (сигналы); send (напр. сообщение)
electr.eng. passes (Karunniyigor)
fig. transfuse; capture (These iconic Hawaiian shirts capture the lush tropical flora of the islands. ART Vancouver)
fin. negotiate (векселя, чеки)
footb. pass (передать)
forestr. convey
do something justice (всю красоту или реальную картину чего-либо – о фотографиях, словах и т.п.; с отрицанием: The Grand Canyon was amazing, but words can't do it justice. • Photos don't do it justice, but the views were beautiful. 4uzhoj); do justice (напр., всей красоты чего-либо; с отрицанием: I have also been staking this rainbow, it's gorgeous! Photos don't do justice at all! ART Vancouver)
goldmin. file with (кому-либо Leonid Dzhepko)
Gruzovik, med. spread (передавать инфекцию – spread infection)
idiom. come across (чувства, мысли и т.д. Interex)
inf. overpay; shunt; register (какие-либо эмоции)
inf., amer. shoot
IT bear; read in (напр., в ЗУ); pipe; pitch; upload; transfer (управление); channel (zeev); read into (напр., в ЗУ)
law devest (собственность); refer (дело в другую инстанцию); convey, transfer and deliver (the said assets are hereby conveyed, transferred, and delivered to the trustee on the date hereof 4uzhoj); annaly; assign (напр. права); amove; forward (заявление, жалобу, ходатайство); remove; utter; abalienate; grant; remise; transfer (имущество, право и т.п.); depute (полномочия); amove (дело из одной инстанции в другую Право международной торговли On-Line)
law, ADR endorse
law, Scotl. dispone
libr. deposit (изображение)
logist. turnover; withhold
Makarov. cede (территорию, права и т.п.); commit; commit (на рассмотрение, хранение и т.п.); donate (напр., энергию); flash (по телеграфу, радио и т.п.); give (болезни); give (в устной форме; привет поклон и т.п.); impart (напр., энергию); impart (напр., энергию); communicate to; devolve on (обязанности функции и т. п.); devolve on (по наследству традиции); devolve to (обязанности функции и т. п.); devolve to (по наследству традиции); devolve upon (обязанности функции и т. п.); devolve upon (по наследству традиции); come across (какое-либо чувство, смысл); move; consign to; dispose of; drag over (метал.; через верхний валик); hand over (вещи, документы); hand something to (someone); кому-л; что-либо); make something over to (someone – кому-либо что-либо); part with; pass down (следующим поколениям, по наследству); pass in (документы должностному лицу); pass on (по наследству); pass upon; resign to; send over (кого-либо, что-либо); sign away (собственность, право и т. п.); sign over (право, собственность); spin off (технологию, вращение и т. п.); turn over (to; кому-либо); hand on (информацию)
Makarov., inf. come across with (деньги, информацию; особ. неохотно); reach over
Makarov., obs. give up
mar.law cede (права)
math. direct; convey to; the routine abc.c passes its first argument by value and the second argument by reference
mech.eng., obs. to control (движение)
media. circulate (информацию); propagate; convey (сигнал, звук); emit; pass (управление, параметры); ship (данные)
met. drag over (через верхний валик)
meteorol. exchange
metrol. impart (напр., энергию)
mil. broadcast brigade (Киселев); transmit (сообщение, информацию Киселев); delegate (права, обязанности, полномочия); relegate (функции, права); relay
mil., avia. xmit transmit
mil., tech. dispose (имущество)
nautic. hand over (напр., управление); turn over (командование, управление)
notar. transfer (e.g., a right, a title); transfer (e.g., a thing, a document)
obs. betake; betaken; betook; intail; surrendry; traduce
patents. release; assign
phys. communicate (теплоту)
polygr. impart (информацию); render (изображение); take off (лист)
post tender ("Tendered to USPS" joyand)
progr. push (данные о состоянии (говоря о наблюдаемом объекте) Alex_Odeychuk)
psychol. impart (знания, новости)
radio play (музыку по радио: Jack 96.3. Playing what we want, when we want it, 24/7. ART Vancouver); send out; go on the air (Andrey Truhachev); send
railw. transfer (право)
roll. drag over (через верхний валок)
slang lay put it on the line; souvenir (Souvenir me that can of soda (военный сленг) Translucid Mushroom)
sport. transmit (over the airwaves); hand off (мяч партнёру – футбол); pass (the ball, puck, baton, etc.)
tech. dispatch
telecom. simulcast (одновременно); backhaul (oleg.vigodsky)
tobac. wick (за счет капиллярного эффекта, например: A wick wicks the liquid formulation from the reservoir to the electric heater. Мирослав9999)
vernac. pay
voll. set-up (передать)
vulg. luzz; lazz
water.res. forward (дальше)
weap. transform (ABelonogov)
wood. hand
передать v
передать привет; передать из рук в руки
gen. tell (Tell your girlfriend that... Pickman); hand over (от одного к другому: On Monday the two black boxes from flight MH17 were finally handed over to Malaysian experts. • In 2008 he handed the reins of power over to his younger brother Raul and slowly withdrew from Cuba's political scene. 4uzhoj); hand down (сверху вниз, от предков потомству); put over; hand (something to someone); turn over (a matter); pass on (an infection); refer to (от одного официального лица другому, из одной организации в другую); take (He asked me to take a letter to his mother in Pittsburgh. В.И.Макаров); send (something with someone: I'm showing houses tonight but, if Caroline comes, I'll send the money with her. 4uzhoj); get (Marilyn always used to give me the info, just so I can know they're okay, and can get them stuff, like books or clothes, or whatever. 4uzhoj); pass something on (to someone: I'll pass the message (on) to him. • Pass the book on to me when you've finished with it. • One day his dad will pass the business on to him. • The king intended to pass the throne on to him. • He bought and passed on to the people of Maine a total of 202,000 acres. 4uzhoj); pass; transfer (Refusal to permit Estonia to transfer artillery that originated in Germany points to strains in Western alliance over Ukraine. • As small nations with little arms industry of their own, Estonia and the other Baltic states have sought to help Ukraine by transferring weapons that they acquired from NATO allies. wsj.com); impart; make over; transfuse; carry; deliver; devolve; give (Give John my love!); help; leave; reach; relinquish; render; repeat; sell; shift; sign away (право, собственность); deliver over; give over; hand on; pass over; recommit (вновь); convey (в знач. "выразить": Concepts typically use stock photography or rough illustrations to convey the general idea. • Interpersonal communication is a process in which individuals convey the feelings and thoughts that they want to make. ); put something in the hands of (bookworm); pitch; send word (на словах Anglophile); feature (Notburga); leave word (записку, поручение, сообщение кому-либо-for); pass through to (ч-л кому-либо whiteweber); reproduce; refer; give to take (что-либо с кем-либо, что-либо кому-либо для передачи кому-либо другому: I'm going to give you a letter to take to your dad. • If you went over to visit him I'd give you some wine to take. • Deputies escorted Hight to the sheriff's office where he claimed he thought the item was tobacco, and it was given to him to take to jail. 4uzhoj); pass along (как материальное, так и нематериальное (новость, сообщение, суть и т. п.): Could you pass along my message to Fred? • Please feel free to pass this information along to others. • It's always dicey to use Google Translate, but it does typically pass along the gist of the story. askandy); deliver up (kee46); send on (что-то с кем-то, с оказией) All credit for this entry goes to Liv Bliss); do justice (напр., всю красоту чего-либо; с отрицанием: Check out that moonrise. Too bad the cell phone photo doesn’t do it justice. ART Vancouver); pass on to (о запросе, жалобе, эл. письме – для дальнейшего разбирательства: Hi Chris, thanks for your report! We've passed this on to our legal team to investigate. -- мы передали ART Vancouver)
astronaut. contribute
bus.styl. give a message (сообщение отсутствующему человеку, например: Janet is out to lunch right now, but I can give her a message. – Джанет вышла на обед, но если хотите, я могу ей что-нибудь передать. 4uzhoj); pass a message (чьи-либо слова кому-нибудь другому: I'll pass your message (on) to him. • I'll pass him your message. – Я передам ему. 4uzhoj); take a message (сообщение отсутствующему человеку, напр.: He has gone out of the city for the next three days and is not available. Can I take a message? 4uzhoj); forward; forward to (Leonid Dzhepko)
comp., MS upload; beam (To transfer information between mobile devices or a device and desktop computer using infrared (IR) or Bluetooth)
construct. make over for (напр., здание под что-либо)
el. sending
fig. capture; describe (напр., своими словами); portray (характер и т.п. в художественном произведении); get across (донести мысль и т.п.); put into words (не передать, как я рад – I can't put into words how excited I am SirReal); account for (Figures cannot account for – цифры не могут передать DoctorKto)
formal communicate; transmit (The House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to transmit two articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate.); circulate
idiom. do something justice (всю красоту или реальную картину чего-либо – о фотографиях, словах и т.п.; с отрицанием: The Grand Canyon was amazing, but words can't do it justice. 4uzhoj)
inf. overpay
law convey, transfer and deliver (the said assets are hereby conveyed, transferred, and delivered to the trustee on the date hereof 4uzhoj); tell; consign; convey; assign; cede; remise; channel (взятку); submit to custody; transfer (e.g., a right, a title); sign over (собственность, право и т.п.); transfer (e.g., a thing, a document); transfer the management of (X) в управление (Y; X) to (Y Евгений Тамарченко); transfer the ownership of (X) в собственность (Y; X) to (Y Евгений Тамарченко)
law.enf. turn over (что-либо кому-либо добровольно либо кого-либо с рук на руки: They turned over the evidence to the authorities. • A person has no legitimate expectation of privacy in information they voluntarily turn over to third parties. • When they arrived at the hospital, the officers escorted him to the door, removed his restraints, and turned him over to the hospital. • He'll turn the shop over to his son when he retires.)
logist. expedite (Юрий Гомон)
Makarov. hand over; hand something over to (someone – кому-либо что-либо); pass down; pass round; pass upon; sign away (собственность, право и т. п.); sign over (собственность, право и т. п.)
med. spread (заболевание); transmit (заболевание)
mil. relay (дальше по цепочке, каналам связи т.п., например: The FO will naturally relay information back to the battallion or company commander. • 'Ask him if there's anything in the middle,' said Wardani. Hand relayed the query. • The CCTV cameras relay what's going on to the headquarters. • Can you relay this message to John? 4uzhoj)
OHS dispatch (передать в значении "отправить", напр., через курьерскую службу Assemgaliyev)
radio send
slang dish; duke; gun
sport. pass (the ball, puck, baton, etc.); transmit (over the airwaves)
uncom., context. part with (в т.ч. в значении "передать право на что-либо": Intentional deception of a victim by false pretense with the intent of persuading the victim to part with property 4uzhoj)
передаваться v
gen. go (по телеграфу, почте); convey; describe; deliver; give; pass on; portray; relay; report; reproduce; spread; tell; transfer; transmit; carry over ("From the start I was just trying to come out with a killer mindset. I think it kind of carried over to the rest of the team," Gordon said. VLZ_58); be inherited; hand (over); filter down to (His ideas have filtered down to his children. VLZ_58); be mediated through (However, with language, the realization of the meaning "progeny no sex specified" is mediated through a word, itself realizing a sequence of sounds. levmoris); be handed down (to another generation); rub off (кому-то); descend on (по наследству); descend upon (по наследству)
Gruzovik pass (impf of передаться); be inherited (impf of передаться)
auto. go downstream (о мощности двигателя Vicomte)
construct. travel
dat.proc. be passed on (to ... - ... кому, чему ... / в ...: The argument you pass in will be passed on to the container's resolution pipeline. Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, obs. defect to (impf of передаться); go over to (impf of передаться)
idiom. rub off on (fragilistic)
inf. trickle down (He played phenomenal and I think it trickled down the lineup. VLZ_58)
law assign; devest (о собственности)
Makarov. communicate; go (went; gone); go (went; gone; по телеграфу и т.п.); go round; vest in (кому-л; об имуществе, наследстве); move
Makarov., amer. go around
math. propagate; be transferred; be imparted; be transmitted; be passed
mech. be communicated (to something); be imparted (to something)
med. be passed (FIV is a cat-specific virus, so it cannot be passed to people or other pets such as dogs, rats, birds, etc. – не передаётся ART Vancouver)
obs., inf. defect (to); go over (to)
progr. be issued (ssn)
road.wrk. interchange
sport. pass
telecom. flow (oleg.vigodsky)
передающий adj.
gen. transmissive; transmitting; delivering (AnitaBandita); deferent
automat. coupling (напр., электрические сигналы)
chem. handing over
construct. devolving
el. originating (ssn)
food.ind. conveying
IT handing on
math. transmission
microel. transfer
mil., tech. relay; relaying
progr. forwarding (ssn)
psychol. informative
tech. sending; giving
telecom. broadcasting
передаться v
gen. pass on; spread; be communicated; be inherited; hand (over); catch; caught; be passed; be transmitted; be handed down (to another generation)
obs. go over to the enemy (Супру); defect to the enemy (Супру); change sides (Супру); switch sides (Супру); desert to the enemy (Супру)
obs., inf. defect (to); go over (to)
передающийся prtc.
gen. transmissive; communicable; transmissible
Makarov. propagable
therm.eng. transferable
передано prtc.
gen. relayed (об электронном письме Caithey)
"передавайте" v
tech. give
передаётся v
gen. is given to (olga garkovik)
передавать что-л. v
gen. pass on to (кому-л.)
Передавайте v
avia. Pass your message (типовое сообщение по связи)
передан prtc.
cinema rendered (The mayhem of the ancient Pompeii being whacked by Mt. Vesuvius unleashing its historical fury is convincingly rendered in this loud and messy movie.- убедительно передан ART Vancouver)
: 4764 phrases in 211 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Aluminium industry1
American usage, not spelling14
Animal husbandry4
Antennas and waveguides10
Anti-air artillery1
Arabic language1
Armored vehicles10
Artificial intelligence2
Automated equipment31
Bookish / literary2
Business style2
Cables and cable production4
Card games1
Cliche / convention11
Combustion gas turbines1
Computer networks34
Contextual meaning1
Criminal law1
Cycling other than sport1
Data processing1
Electrical engineering4
Energy industry17
Energy system9
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development9
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry2
Foreign affairs1
Gas processing plants1
Health care1
Household appliances15
Human resources1
Humorous / Jocular1
Ice hockey1
Information security and data protection8
Information technology65
Inheritance law1
Intelligence and security services5
International law2
Labor law2
Labor organization1
Laser medicine1
Law enforcement2
Maritime law & Law of the Sea5
Mass media625
Measuring instruments2
Mechanic engineering11
Medical appliances3
Military lingo1
Notarial practice8
Nuclear and fusion power1
Obsolete / dated6
Oil / petroleum13
Oil and gas14
Oil processing plants1
Optics branch of physics5
Organized crime3
Outdoor activities and extreme sports1
Pharmacy and pharmacology3
Power system protection4
Public utilities1
Pulp and paper industry1
Quality control and standards1
Quantum electronics5
Rail transport7
Road works1
SAP tech.4
Scottish usage1
Security systems14
Solar power2
Stock Exchange1
Teenager slang1
Textile industry1
Thermal engineering2
Uncommon / rare4
United Nations3
Veterinary medicine1
Vibration monitoring1
Water polo1
Water resources1
Weapons and gunsmithing1
Weapons of mass destruction4
Welfare & Social Security1