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verb | verb | to phrases
парить vstresses
gen. ride; librate; swoop; emit steam; fallow; leave untilled; let lie fallow; scald; steam out; sweat out; swing; sail (о птице); stew (варить в собственном соку); hover (о птице, технике; тж. hover about, hover over: A helicopter hovered overhead. cambridge.org); brush over; stove (в печи); be sultry; glide
inf. vape (пАрить OstrichReal1979)
mech.eng., obs. hiss; steam
mil. hover
quant.el. levitate
tech. stew; blow (о сальнике, фланце)
vulg. fuck around (запутывать, обманывать Abysslooker)
пари́ть v
gen. soar (в воздухе: She watched the gliders soaring effortlessly above her.); steam (парИть – выделять пар, в т.ч. и о земле: Outside in the gravel lot the heat was up. It must have rained all night and now the sun was blasting away and the ground was steaming.); poise; plane; levitate (в воздухе); float; hover (о птице); wheel (Hawks wheeling in the white sky Islet); tower; float around (suburbian); be muggy
Gruzovik swoop
aerohydr. sail
fig. volplane (An eagle soared and volplaned gracefully across the sky. VLZ_58)
inf. kite (подобно бумажному змею)
Makarov. hover over (о птице); soak in hot water (прогревать паром)
therm.eng. blow (о сальнике или фланце)
па́рить v
Gruzovik steam out; sweat out; scald
Gruzovik, agric. let lie fallow; leave untilled; fallow
Gruzovik, dial., nonstand. couple (of animals); mate (of animals); pair (of animals)
Gruzovik, inf. beat; flog
париться v
gen. steam; sweat (in a bath); stive; swelter; stew (of food); take a steam-bath (Anglophile); bother (why should i bother – а с чего мне париться? TaylorZodi); fallow; flog; leave untilled; let lie fallow; scald; steam out; sweat out; sit in the steam room (VLZ_58); hit oneself with twigs (a switch VLZ_58); steam (VLZ_58); shvitz (в паровой бане CBET)
Игорь Миг slave away
idiom. get one's shorts in a knot (VLZ_58); get bent out of shape (It's ok, don't worry about returning the books. I don't get bent out of shape about things like that. VLZ_58); get one's knickers in a knot (VLZ_58); get one's panties in a knot (VLZ_58)
inf. fret (hizman); brood (over something sunchild); sunbathe; warm oneself; bust a gut (VLZ_58); sweat (He's not going to have a lot of time to sweat the details. visitor); beat; grind it out (VLZ_58); fret over (but everyone else was fretting over the perfect translation of сочная отбивная, the juicy meat dish that Zolotov promised to turn opposition politician Alexei Navalny into. TMT, Sept. 21 2018, Of Meat and Men by Michele A. Berdy VLZ_58); bust ass (VLZ_58); bust nuts (I'm not about to bust my nuts for the likes of her – Я ради неё париться здесь не собираюсь. VLZ_58)
slang be fagged (Beforeyouaccuseme); bother one's ass (Balance issues are why I don't bother my ass doing HSPU's. 4uzhoj)
па́риться v
Gruzovik sweat (in baths)
Gruzovik, inf. warm oneself; sunbathe
парило v
bot. common agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)
паря v
slang solid
па́рит v
Gruzovik it is sultry
пари́ло v
Gruzovik, bot. common agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)
пАрить v
inf. faze (sergeidorogan)
"париться" v
slang give a damn (I don't give a damn – да меня не парит; да я не парюсь; да мне насрать Mirabella76)
 Russian thesaurus
паря v
dial., mart.arts парень
: 103 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling13
Mechanic engineering1
Teenager slang1