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verb | verb | to phrases
очерняться vstresses
gen. discredit oneself; be covered with shame
Gruzovik be covered with shame (impf of очерниться); discredit oneself (impf of очерниться)
fig. blacken; slander; asperse; defame
obs. black; color black; colour black
очернять v
gen. blemish; traduce; cast aspersions (Anglophile); give a bad name to (k8t); cast aspersions on (Taras); soil (grafleonov); cast slurs (grafleonov); besmirch (grafleonov); damage (grafleonov); vilify (grafleonov); denigrate ("Additionally, in the past month, our information indicates Russian influence proxies and media outlets have started to increase content denigrating Ukraine and NATO, in part to pin the blame for a potential Russian military escalation on Ukraine," the official said. washingtonpost.com grafleonov); demonize (Andrey Truhachev); paint in a negative light (fddhhdot); show in a bad light (fddhhdot); skewer (to criticize someone very strongly, often in a way that other people find humorous ldoceonline.com epoost)
Игорь Миг badmouth; lampoon; slander (По мнению Оливера Стоуна, Вашингтон использует украинский конфликт, чтобы очернить Россию и сохранить НАТО)
cinema paint black
fig. slander; asperse; defame
Gruzovik, fig. asperse (impf of очернить); defame (impf of очернить)
Gruzovik, obs. blacken (impf of очернить); color black (impf of очернить)
law malign (Евгений Тамарченко)
Makarov. cast a slur on (someone – кого-либо); put a slur on (someone – кого-либо)
met. black
obs. color black; colour black
PR frame things in a negative way (что-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
очерняющий prtc.
gen. pejorative (Vadim Rouminsky); scurrilous (Vadim Rouminsky)
met. blacking
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Mass media1
Public relations1
Security systems1