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verb | verb | to phrases
отходить vstresses
gen. go; deviate; turn away; come off; pull out (от станции – о поезде); recover; diverge; branch; retreat; secede; backtrack; digress (от темы); draw off; shunt; stand out; stand clear (в сторону); grow away (о ветке и т.п.); walk off (от чего-либо); deviate to the south; lose ground; draw away (stnatik); radiate (Atenza); drop-back; recede; come away (прочь); draw out (о поезде); sidestep (Taras); thaw; expire; leave (of a train); slide away (bookworm); extend (A projection extends from the bottom surface of the electronic component for a distance somewhat less than ... I. Havkin); pull off; estrange; finish (VLZ_58); ease off; withdraw; walk off (He's walking off every couple minutes.); go off; remove; step back; walk away (from); move away (from); walk away from (agoff); come to an end; fall to; fork; go to; pass; pass away; pass to (by inheritance, etc); aberrate (от привычного поведения); alien (от чего-либо); alienate (от чего-либо); detach (от кого-либо, чего-либо); drain (о крови); give; recoil (перед противником); wear off (The pain will wear off in an hour. VLZ_58); warm up (After being outside too long, I'm slowly warming up. VLZ_58); be lost (in processing); wander (We are wandering from our original plan. VLZ_58); chip off (The paint on the doors is chipping off. VLZ_58); be washed off (VLZ_58); be rubbed off (VLZ_58); shift away (Stas-Soleil); step away (Andrey Truhachev); stray (The class discussion strayed [=deviated] from the original topic. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik move away from (impf of отойти); go away from (impf of отойти); fork off (impf of отойти); be lost in processing (impf of отойти); fall to by inheritance, etc (impf of отойти); go to by inheritance, etc (impf of отойти); pass to by inheritance, etc (impf of отойти); pass (impf of отойти); come to an end (impf of отойти); pass away (impf of отойти)
astronaut. maneuver away; start back
auto. depart (об автобусе); branch out
automat. recess out (от траектории движения)
busin. deviate from; digress from
dipl. alienate (or чего-либо); diverge (от мнения и т.п.); drift; retire; drift away from (от чего-либо)
dipl., mil. pull back
dril. recoil
econ. sail (о судне); sail off
el. shove
fig. abandon; deviate (from); digress (from); diverge (from); drift away (from); part company
footb. leave the field of play; abandon the play
garden. finish fruiting (As soon as your strawberry plants have finished fruiting it's time to clear away all the straw or matting to discourage slugs and snails from nibbling at the plants. VLZ_58); go out of season (VLZ_58)
geol. fall back
Gruzovik, fig. deviate from (impf of отойти); digress from (impf of отойти); diverge from (impf of отойти); abandon (impf of отойти); part company (impf of отойти); drift away from (impf of отойти)
Gruzovik, inf. serve as for a period of time; heal (pf of отхаживать); nurse back to health (pf of отхаживать); tire by walking (pf of отхаживать); hurt by walking (pf of отхаживать); drub (pf of отхаживать); thrash (pf of отхаживать); work over (pf of отхаживать); stop walking; come out of stains (impf of отойти); disappear of stains (impf of отойти); come to oneself (impf of отойти); calm down (impf of отойти); lose the ability to walk; cure (pf of отхаживать); return to one's senses (impf of отойти)
Gruzovik, nautic. veer away (pf of отхаживать); veer out (pf of отхаживать)
gymn. dismount (от снаряда)
idiom. drop off (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. get over (something – от чего-либо Юрий Гомон); calm down; come out; come to oneself; disappear (of stains); drub; heal; hurt (by walking); nurse back to health; return to senses; serve (as); thrash; tire; work over; stop walking; work as (отходить три года ассистентом [в ассистентах] – work three years as an assistant VLZ_58); flog (VLZ_58); whip (VLZ_58); give a sound thrashing (VLZ_58); give the works / business (VLZ_58); reel from (от потрясений и т.п. A.Rezvov); wind down (напр., от впечатлений, ощущений, переживаний Баян)
inf., nautic. veer away; veer out
law depart (от прежней аргументации, от практики и т. п.); depart (от прежней аргументации, от практики и т.п.)
Makarov. back; be out; branch forth; branch off; deliver; diverge (от нормы, стандарта); get off; give ground; go away; outgo; peel; pull out; walk away; depart from; detach from (от кого-либо, чего-либо); draw away (от станции); draw off (с позиции); draw out (от станции); grow away (from; о ветке и т. п.); grow away from; march away (в ходе военных маневров); march home (в ходе военных маневров); open out; pass from (от принципов, курса и т. п.); secede from (от союза и т. п.); split off; walk off
mech. recess out
med. spring
media. clear
mil. bug out; conduct a withdrawal; execute a withdrawal; give way; surrender ground; yield ground; drop back; retrograde; drift back; move away; depart (from); deviate (with от, from); drift away (with от, from); peel off; of a stain come out; come round; of territory, property, etc. pass (with к, to)
mil., inf. fade back
mil., lingo lam (MichaelBurov); mizzle off (Brit. MichaelBurov); mizzle (Brit. MichaelBurov)
nautic. head out; veer aft; ease off (от берега); come further aft (о ветре); come in favour (о ветре); clear off; come astern (о ветре); draw clear of; edge away (от берега, судна); edge off (от берега, судна); get underway (от пирса); haul aft (о ветре); haul off (от пирса, стенки); move off; open out (напр., от судна, к которому было пришвартовано отходящее судно); sheer away (под углом); sheer off (под углом); shove off (от причала); stand away; swing clear; free (о ветре); clear (от судна, причальной стенки); go out; sail
nautic., Makarov. get under way; head off (о ветре)
navig. fall hack; sheer away; stand away (о судне); veer aft (о ветре)
obs. digress (в сторону)
railw. back away; depart (о поезде)
relig. backslide
sail. sail away; set- sail; be about to sail
sport. come off (восстанавливаться); retreat (идти назад)
subl. breathe one's last (VLZ_58)
tech. vary from (от Andrey Truhachev); depend from (Мирослав9999)
from отходить v
dipl. depart
отходиться v
Gruzovik, inf. recover (pf of отхаживаться); get well (pf of отхаживаться)
inf. drub; get well; hurt (by walking); thrash; tire; work over
отходя v
mil., lingo on the lam (отступая MichaelBurov)
отходим v
gen. off we go (Stormy)
: 310 phrases in 38 subjects
Armored vehicles1
Bookish / literary2
British usage, not spelling1
Figure of speech1
Ice hockey1
Machine tools1
Mass media6
Mechanic engineering4
Occupational health & safety1
Wood processing1