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verb | verb | to phrases
отсыпаться vstresses
gen. catch up on one’s sleep; catch up on sleep (Anglophile); have a good sleep; have a long sleep; make up for lost sleep; measure off; pour off; sleep in (Ivan Pisarev); catch up on some sleep (I suggest you try and catch up on some sleep vogeler); sleep in (We usually sleep in on Sunday morning vogeler)
Makarov. catch up one's sleep
slang sack in; sack out
отсыпа́ться v
Gruzovik sleep off; make up for lost sleep; have a long sleep; have a good sleep
отсы́паться v
Gruzovik pour out (intrans)
отсыпать v
gen. measure off; pour out; dump (насыпь); pour; usu. with gen. pour out (a quantity or portion of something)
Makarov. dump (напр., насыпь); measure off (отмеривать); mete out (отмеривать)
media. dispatch
O&G, sakh. backfill
tech. dump (напр., насыпь); fill (материал); discharge; pour off; discharge a part
отсыпа́ть v
construct. rip-rap; dump; fill
Gruzovik, inf. sleep a certain number of hours
отсы́пать v
Gruzovik pour out; measure off
отсыпь v
geol. scree
Gruzovik, petrogr. talus (= осыпь)
: 38 phrases in 12 subjects
Explanatory translation1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Gold mining2
Hydraulic engineering2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2