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отстать от (кого-либо)
gen. desert; leave off; come off; leave alone; fall behind; be slow (of a clock or watch); be in arrears; tail off; drag; retard; tail away; drop behind; hang back; hang behind; lose ground; stand behind; stay behind (от компании); get off back (от кого-либо); wander away (от каравана и т. п.); wait behind; get off back; back off (оставить кого-либо в покое, неперех. denghu); be behind the times (от жизни: о методах, взглядах и т.п.); get left (от кого-либо); peel off; trail; lag; lose; straggle; loiter; be behind; be left behind (by); be loosened up; let alone (kee46); be in retard; throw off; leave in peace; fuck off (от кого-л.); get off one's back
Gruzovik be behind (pf of отставать); trail (pf of отставать); be left behind by (pf of отставать); peel off (pf of отставать); be loosened up (pf of отставать)
amer., Makarov. take the dust
athlet. lose contact
fig. be backward; be retarded; fall to leeward
Gruzovik, fig. be backward (pf of отставать); be retarded (pf of отставать)
Gruzovik, inf. break with (pf of отставать); lose touch with (pf of отставать); give up (pf of отставать); stop pestering
Gruzovik, nautic. drop astern
idiom. lose touch (от жизни Баян)
idiom., inf. get out of someone's hair (от кого-либо VLZ_58)
inf. get off one's back (перестать беспокоить); get off someone's case (от кого-либо AnnaOchoa); lose touch (with); leave out of (Himera); break (with); stop pestering
inf., context. stop giving someone a hard time (только в контексте: Stop giving the interns such a hard time! They're doing the best they can. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. get off someone's back (от кого-либо); be in retard; bugger off; get behind; get left; stay behind (от компании и т. п.)
math. delay; drop; fall back; lag behind
mil. fall behind time
nautic. fall astern
slang get off someone's tail (от кого-либо Buddy89)
sport. come back
отстань! v
gen. get lost!; lay off!; leave me alone!; let me alone!; stop badgering me!; give it a rest! (Anglophile); shove off! (Anglophile); come off it! (Anglophile); go to Jericho! (Anglophile); go to Putney (Anglophile); back off
cliche. go fly a kite! (Bullfinch)
inf. fuck off!; get off with you! (senia_m); let go of me! (senia_m); get bent (менее сильный вариант fuck off! Telecaster)
inf., mean.1 give me a break! ("Aren't you finished yet?" "Give me a break! I only started 10 minutes ago!" mrsgreen)
slang drop dead!; drop head
slang, Makarov. back off!
отстань v
gen. what a bother you are!; drop head
amer. bug off (от меня; slang; Bug off and leave me alone! Val_Ships)
forestr. ring shake
inf. get off my back (Andy)
slang peddle one's papers; bugger off! (British slang Val_Ships); sod off! (брит. разг. Alexander Kisselev)
Отстань! v
gen. Get away from me! (Get away from me! Can't you see I'm talking on the phone? ART Vancouver)
inf. Stop bugging me! (Stop bugging me, I'm not going to buy you a pair of sneakers for 120 bucks! ART Vancouver)
rude Shove it! (used to express contempt or belligerence and to say that one will not accept or do something ART Vancouver)
отстаньте! v
rude go chase yourself! (He really expected to hear the common "Aw! go chase yourself!.." – Он ожидал услышать в ответ обычное "отстань"... (Т. Драйзер "Сеcтра Кэрри", гл. VI) Bobrovska)
отстань от меня! v
idiom. get lost! (Val_Ships)
: 100 phrase in 20 subjects
Business style1
Cliche / convention2
Figure of speech1
Humorous / Jocular1
Uncommon / rare5