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gen. buck slip; runaround (Lavrov); formal reply (Верещагин); non-committal reply (Anglophile); run-around reply (wiseconservatism.com Kinglet); come off; reply without substance (Tanya Gesse); removal (from a list); reply with no real answer (Tanya Gesse); unsubscribing (Johnny Bravo); pat answer (AsIs); noncommittal answer; answer that is not really an answer
Gruzovik dismissal; removal from a list; bequest; legacy
Gruzovik, obs. confiscation; written answer
inet. unsubscribe (see for example epochta.ru US_kris)
inf. come-off; the run-around; pro forma letter (VLZ_58); a kiss-off (формальный ответ в письменном виде с целью уклониться от решения данной проблемы a reply intended to avoid taking action or making a decision (in Russian a formal written reply); crude)
offic. boilerplate letter (MichaelBurov)
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects