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отойти vstresses
gen. go; deviate; withdraw; turn away; come off; branch; retreat; secede; pull off; pull out (от станции – о поезде); stand back; wander from the point; step away (Marina Lee); diverge; depart; fall back; go away (from); move off; recede; retire; sail; pull out; leave (of a train); thaw; expire; estrange (estrange oneself from – отдаляться от); move; come to (прийти в хорошее расположение духа); step away from desk (I'm sorry, Mr. Jones has just stepped away from his desk. 4uzhoj); recover; deviate from; digress from; move away (from); walk away (from); step back
Gruzovik move away from (pf of отходить); go away from (pf of отходить); move off (pf of отходить); depart (pf of отходить); recede (pf of отходить); fork off (pf of отходить); come out of stains (pf of отходить); disappear of stains (pf of отходить); be lost in processing (pf of отходить); fall to by inheritance, etc (pf of отходить); go to by inheritance, etc (pf of отходить); pass to by inheritance, etc (pf of отходить); pass (pf of отходить); come to an end (pf of отходить); pass away (pf of отходить)
dipl. shift away
fig. abandon; deviate (from); digress (from); diverge (from); drift away (from); part company; move away (from)
Gruzovik, fig. deviate from (pf of отходить); digress from (pf of отходить); diverge from (pf of отходить); abandon (pf of отходить); part company (pf of отходить); drift away from (pf of отходить)
Gruzovik, inf. return to one's senses (pf of отходить); come to oneself (pf of отходить); calm down (pf of отходить)
Gruzovik, mil. fall back (pf of отходить); retire (pf of отходить)
Gruzovik, nautic. sail (pf of отходить)
gymn. dismount (от снаряда)
inf. branch (off); calm down; come out; come to an end; come to oneself; disappear (of stains); fall to; fork; go to; heal; nurse back to health; pass; pass away; pass to (by inheritance, etc); return to senses; veer out; be over something (от чего-либо; от чего-либо неприятного Pickman); be lost (in processing); cure; settle one's nerves (в знач. "успокоиться": After the accident, he went for a walk to try to settle his nerves. 4uzhoj)
inf., nautic. veer away
Makarov. pass away (эвф; умереть); pass from; pass on (эвф; умереть); pass over (эвф; умереть); pass upon (эвф; умереть); pull in (об автобусе и т. п.); step aside
mil. drop back; retrograde; deviate (with от, from); depart (from); drift away (with от, from); peel off; of a stain come out; come round; of territory, property, etc. pass (with к, to)
nautic. stand clear (в сторону)
navig. swing clear
polit. withdraw from (от Andrey Truhachev)
sail. sail away; set- sail; be about to sail
shipb. shove off
отойдите! v
gen. keep off!; stand by!; step aside! (в сторону); step by!; come away!
Игорь Миг step back!
Makarov. keep back!
отойди! v
gen. keep off!
отойди v
inf. back off (Анна Ф)
отойди! v
Makarov. keep back!
отойди v
slang get away (Get away from me. Отойди от меня. Interex)
отошёл v
O&G, casp. appear away (Yeldar Azanbayev)
 Russian thesaurus
отойдя v
gen. деепр. от отойти
отошедши v
obs. деепр. от отойти
: 317 phrases in 32 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Armored vehicles1
British usage, not spelling1
Chat and Internet slang3
Figure of speech2
Mass media8
Obsolete / dated2
Rail transport3
Real estate1