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gen. curse one with bell, book and candle; excommunicate; fulminate an anathema (Anglophile)
hist. book and candle; curse by bell
humor. curse by bell, book and candle (В.И.Макаров)
law anathematize; fulminate anathema
отлучённый от церкви
gen. excommunicate
law unchurched; anathema
rel., christ. excommunicated person
relig. under the ban
отлучить кого-либо от церкви
gen. lay under an interdict; put under an interdict
Makarov. put someone under an interdict; lay someone under an interdict
отлучить от Церкви
relig. ban; place under the ban
отлучённый от Церкви
relig. excommunicated; placed under the ban
отлучённый от церкви
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Humorous / Jocular1