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to phrases
отличительные чертыstresses
gen. identity; features (Andrey Truhachev); personality (a district with its own unique personality sankozh)
amer. hallmarks (An ​independent ​press is one of the hallmarks of a ​free ​society. Val_Ships)
construct. traits (world-nuclear.org Butterfly812)
tech. distinctive features
отличительная черта
gen. a hallmark (bigmaxus); identity (Andrey Truhachev); difference (Senior Strateg); differentiating feature (The primary differentiating feature of the BlueArc's NAS products in comparison to their competition is BlueArc's heavy reliance on FPGA's, or field ... WK. Finally, another differentiating feature of the app is its ability to sync with the Mac desktop app which makes it a must-have. | a differentiating feature of the invention is the use of a device, process or material Alexander Demidov); shibboleth (VLZ_58); lineaments (характера и т. п.); distinctive feature; turn; twist (ума, характера и т. п.; часто неодобр.); speciality; hallmark (such confusion was the hallmark of a chaotic day in which almost every figure and fact seemed subject to recall or, in the worst case, manupulation to suit the moment's needs Olga Okuneva); trademark (VLZ_58); staple (george serebryakov); spot (yalool); bellwether (Nrml Kss); outstanding feature (Regular fenestration, flat roofs and ornamented, heavily bracketed cornices are outstanding features of this style. • Зато выяснили ценную деталь: потерпевший вспомнил, что на пальцах Деда Мороза есть синие наколки — отличительная черта не раз побывавших за решёткой уголовников. (из рус. источника) ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг stock in trade; defining characteristic
adv. characteristic feature
arch. excellency (george serebryakov)
archit. distinguishing feature (yevsey)
auto. salient feature
biol. lineament
book. salience
busin. defining feature (A defining feature is what sets somebody apart from everybody else. You could also call a defining feature a signature or a trademark. felog)
econ. specific feature
gas.proc. specificity
idiom. middle name (VLZ_58)
inf. thing (You're definitely more of a do-it-on-the-fly kind of person. Learning and mastering a particular skill has never really been your thing. VLZ_58)
insur. specific characteristics (Емеля)
IT feature
Makarov. character; discriminative mark; tang; unique feature
math. the distinctive feature; the characteristic property; a distinguishing feature; a feature of
med. signature; attribute; point
phys. distinguishing characteristic
psychol. accent
qual.cont. identifying feature
railw. highlight
tech. specialty
tib. mtshan ma
Отличительные черты
gen. distinctive lines (canya)
отличительные черты
: 39 phrases in 17 subjects
Bookish / literary1
International relations1
Quality control and standards1
Rail transport1