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gen. kick up one's heels
avunc. peg out (Andrey Truhachev); snuff it (Andrey Truhachev); croak (Andrey Truhachev)
fig.of.sp. have dropped dead (контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
idiom. kick the bucket (Anglophile); turn one's toes (z484z)
idiom., slang bite the dust (VLZ_58)
inf. push up daisies (можно добавить артикль the: You'll be pushing up daisies when Mom finds out that you dented her brand-new car. thefreedictionary.com Lifestruck)
Makarov., slang, amer. kick off
slang cash in one's chips (Rip-off Jack escaped but was shot through and knew that he was going to cash in his chips very soon. == Джек-грабитель ушёл от погони, но его прострелили и он знал, что долго не протянет.); kick off ("She was suffering... Now my dog finally kicked off." Franka_LV); pass on to the Great Beyond (mazurov); turn up one's toes (VLZ_58); kick up the daisies (можно убрать артикль the: I'll be kicking up the daisies long before the price of property goes down in our city. thefreedictionary.com VLZ_58); pop off the hooks; cash in one's chips (VLZ_58); peg it (VLZ_58)
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