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gen. due; give someone his due (+ dat.); give someone her due (+ dat.); give someone credit (+ dat.); pay tribute to (+ dat.); do justice to (smb., smth., кому́-л., чему́-л.); give props (кому-то или чему-то: 1) He gave props to his brother for his help with the project; 2) Props to everyone that made this movie a success vogeler); give credit for; render homage; tribute (чему-либо); hand it to (someone – кому-либо); give credit to; enjoy (nicknicky777); give a shoutout (During his speech, the student gave a shout out to the teachers who had encouraged him. VLZ_58); give full marks (You have to give him full marks for trying. VLZ_58); acknowledge (Рина Грант); celebrate (VLZ_58); applaud (We applaud their efforts to clean up the city, but they must do more. VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг give credit
book. give someone their due (кому-либо)
busin. add value to products; recognize
dipl. do homage; pay homage
idiom. tip one's hat (VLZ_58)
inf. hand обыкн. hand it to someone; score one for (VLZ_58)
Makarov. appreciate; credit; give credit for (за что-либо); reward; do somebody right; pay tribute to; do justice to; give someone his own (кому-либо)
Makarov., inf. hand it to (someone)
notar. pay a debt; pay what is due
отдавая должное
gen. in justice; in justice to someone, something (кому-либо, чему-либо); despite the nod toward (peregrin)
отдавать кому-либо должное
gen. do right
Makarov. do someone right
отдавать должное кому-либо
idiom. take off one's hat to someone (Taras)
отдавать должное: 13 phrases in 5 subjects
American usage, not spelling1