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отвлекать vstresses
gen. deflect (They are trying to deflect attention from the troubled economy. VLZ_58); take away (кого-либо от чего-либо: Using the internet so much can take you away from your studies. Евгений Тамарченко); subduce; subduct; suggest; turn off; keep smb.'s mind off (smth., кого́-л. от чего́-л.); divert (внимание); distract (внимание и т. п.); abstract; avert (мысли); head off; recall (от чего-либо); divert (внимание и т.п.); sidetrack (от темы, напр., "But I was sidetracked by his response, and a little miffed." Марат Каюмов); run interference (кого-либо-with someone. lexicographer); prescind (от чего-либо – from); wean (от чего-либо – from); throw off; call off (внимание); draw off; take off; take away one's attention from (using an electronic device, talking to your kinds in the backseat or whatever is taking away your attention from the road ART Vancouver); withdraw; amuse (от забот); deflect (от чего-либо); put off (от чего-либо); beguile; stall (cognachennessy); pull away; hinder (Abysslooker); put someone off one's stride (кого-либо; to take someone's attention away from what they are doing so they are not able to do it well: She was making funny faces at me, trying to put me off my stroke. When I'm playing chess, the slightest noise can put me off my stride. Bullfinch)
Gruzovik pull away (impf of отвлечь); drag away (impf of отвлечь)
account. divert (напр., ресурсы на другие цели)
dipl. divert (ресурсы на другие цели и т.п.)
econ. draw away (напр., рабочую силу); draw away (рабочую силу); cut off (напр., рабочую силу); take away (о ресурсах A.Rezvov)
Makarov. detract (внимание и т.п.); distract from (внимание и т. п.); avert from (мысли); draw away (from); draw away from; draw off (внимание, взгляд и т.); put off; recall from (от чего-либо); put someone out (кого-либо)
math. digress
mil. divert (внимание или силы)
mil., arm.veh. siphon off (войска)
obs. abduce
oil sidetrack from
philos. segregate
railw. side-track (от – from)
weap. divert (внимания противника ABelonogov)
отвлекаться v
gen. digress (от темы и т. п.); excurse (от темы); abstract oneself from (от чего-либо); get side-tracked (Игорь Primo); get distracted (отвлекать своё внимание от чего-либо Alex_Odeychuk); take one's eye off the ball (Дмитрий_Р); prescind; divert one's attention; space out (Nerve33); take one's mind off (Take your mind off of negative things by being positive towards someone who cares about you. VLZ_58); wander off (suburbian); go off on a tangent (от основной задачи, дела; тж. go off on tangents Taras)
Gruzovik divert one's attention (impf of отвлечься)
busin. put off; digress
Makarov. digress from (отступать-от темы и т. п.); get distracted; look aside
math. be distracted; abstract
sport. sidetrack
uncom. while
отвлекаемый prtc.
psychiat. distractible (Acruxia)
: 193 phrases in 22 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Card games1
Foreign policy1
Mass media3