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основополагающие принципы праваstresses
gen. jus commune (Jus commune or ius commune is Latin for "common law" in certain jurisdictions. It is often used by civil law jurists to refer to those aspects of the civil law system's invariant legal principles, sometimes called "the law of the land" in English law. While the ius commune was a secure point of reference in continental European legal systems, in England it was not a point of reference at all. (Ius commune is distinct from the term "common law" meaning the Anglo-American family of law in contradistinction to the civil law family.) The phrase "the common law of the civil law systems" means those underlying laws that create a distinct legal system and are common to all its elements. WK Alexander Demidov)
основополагающие принципы права
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
International law1
Trade unions1
United Nations1