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verb | verb | to phrases
оскорблять vstresses
gen. be rude to (someone – кого-либо); call someone awful things (Obama: As president of our country and commander in chief of our military I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day and I will always defend their right to do so. 4uzhoj); outrage; attack (честь); despite; displease; displeasure; distaste (что-л.); gall; grate; indignity; treat with indignity (кого-л.); do injury; lift up the hand; mouth; rasp; reflect; regrate; scandal; scandalize; shog; trespass against; upbraid; wrong; call sb. names (кого-л.); offend; insult; abuse; affront; revile; violate; desecrate; hector; cause offence; give offence; humiliate; lout (кого-либо); heap obloquy upon (кого-либо); kick in the teeth (кого-либо); dishonor; do violence to; be rude to (someone – кого-либо); hate on smt (akimboesenko); engage in harassment (bigmaxus); blaspheme; smart (чувства); assault; bruise; cause; defile; mortify; hurl insults at (VLZ_58); disparage; slangwhang; huff; dishonour; speak daggers; call someone names (кого-л.); injure someone's feelings (кого-либо); throw insults (Andy); shock (I. Havkin); pique (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik blackguard; injure
Игорь Миг attack verbally
amer. go off on (Taras)
amer., inf. dis (преим.; кого-либо)
austral., slang chew the buns off (someone – кого-либо); rip into; throw mud at
busin. bully; insult (smb, кого-л.)
idiom. cut down (To insult, to belittle. Interex); ruffle one's feathers (Taras)
inf. blister; hassle; diss (treat, mention, or speak to rudely princeton.edu Antonio); flatten; joe (австрал; кого-либо); rot; verbally abuse (SirReal); rough (He lost no chance of roughing him in his replies. VLZ_58)
Makarov. do violence to something; hurt; kick someone in the teeth (кого-либо); drub (В.И.Макаров); call someone names (кого-либо); cause offence to (someone – кого-либо); fling an insult at (кого-либо); hurl an insult at (кого-либо); revile at; sling mud at (someone – кого-либо); spark off stir up outrage; spark to stir up outrage; stir up outrage; take a jab at (someone – кого-либо); play the dozens (обыкн. об афроамериканцах; кого-либо); inflict an indignity on (someone); кого-либо)
Makarov., amer. spark outrage
Makarov., engl. spark off outrage
Makarov., inf., amer. trash-talk (соперника)
Makarov., inf., new.zeal., austral. chuck off (at)
obs. be in someone's beard (кого-либо Bobrovska); run in someone's beard (кого-либо Bobrovska)
scottish card
slang clobber; mess around with; take a dig at (someone – кого-либо Interex); take a jab at (someone – кого-либо Interex); dis ('More); talk shit (SirReal); give someone the shaft (кого-либо Interex); beak (Trash talk. "Donnie beaked him all game and buddy just snapped." VLZ_58)
vulg. cap on (кого-либо); chew (кого-либо); come down on (someone); см. go down on somebody; кого-либо); put down
оскорбляться v
gen. take exception at; take exception to; feel insulted; humiliate; insult; offend; outrage; huff; injure; mope (VLZ_58); gall; take offense; be or feel insulted
Gruzovik take offense; feel insulted (impf of оскорбиться)
оскорбляемый prtc.
relig. reviled
: 85 phrases in 9 subjects
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Quotes and aphorisms1