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gen. boob; goof; pull the wrong pig by the ear; make a fool of oneself (Anglophile); bark up a wrong tree (Viksi-tasty); suffer epic fail (Taras); strike out (george serebryakov); embarrass oneself (Andrey Truhachev); have egg on face (driven)
Игорь Миг screw up; miscalculate; make a blunder; have egg all over face
brit. make an ass of oneself ("I can give the explanation. Boko has gone and made an ass of himself again!" (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
context. put one's foot in one's mouth (Блуждающий огонек)
Gruzovik, fig. do something foolish
Gruzovik, obs. take off one's headdress
idiom. make a spectacle of oneself (4uzhoj); fall flat on face (Taras)
inf. queer; make a complete arse of oneself (Lily Snape)
inf., fig. do something foolish
inf., obs., dial. take off headdress
Makarov. come a howler; come out at the short end; come out on the short end
slang lay an egg (VLZ_58); make a gaffe (Beforeyouaccuseme); screw the pooch (сл. является англ. выражение Баян)
Игорь Миг, inf. blow it (I blew it in there, but I'll get us out.)
: 6 phrases in 5 subjects