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одурачить vstresses
gen. befool; bosh; dupe; fool; gull; niggle; flam; honeyfuggle; make a fool; pull the nose; come Yorkshire on; make a fool of (кого-либо); play for a patsy (кого-либо); play a hoax on (кого-либо); come Yorkshire on (провести, кого-либо); make a fool of (провести, кого-либо); flimflam; hocus-pocus; fake out (кого-либо); bamboozle; befuddle; put one over on (someone Artjaazz); play a rusty (with someone tess durbey); throw off (Maggotka); hoodwink (изначальное значение глагола to hoodwink – надеть на чью-либо голову капюшон (a hood) так, чтобы ничего не было видно, натянуть капюшон. Современное значение to hoodwink – одурачить, провести – вошло в обиход в XVII в. Схожее выражение to pull the wool (не hood) over someone's eyes – втирать очки, пускать пыль в глаза. Don't try to pull the wool over my eyes. I know the facts. – Не старайтесь пустить мне пыль в глаза. Мне известны факты; He hoodwinked us into agreeing – Он убедил нас согласиться Taras); trick (TranslationHelp); gag; gudgeon; outwit
Gruzovik bamboozle (pf of одурачивать)
Игорь Миг game; outfox; outsmart; shaft; pull one over on
amer. pull a con game on (someone Anglophile); sell down the river (VLZ_58); run a con on (cnlweb)
Gruzovik, comp.sl. troll
idiom. take for a ride (It's one of those classic stories out of Italy: take the tourists for a ride when you see them. A restaurant in Venice charged four Japanese tourists $1300 for their order of pasta while their wives were charged $500 for their dish of pasta at another eatery. ART Vancouver); pull the wool over someone's eyes (He was too clever to let them pull the wool over his eyes.  Artjaazz); play for a sucker ("He wrote me that letter because he had a guilty conscience. He had played me for a sucker and he was too nice a guy for that to rest easy on him." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); pull a fast one (It is the pub manager's belief that the source of the spilled drinks just might be the ghost of young lad as "it would make sense that a 17-year-old boy might find it quite funny to wind people up and have a bit of fun." What do you think of the weird video? Was Edward pulling a fast one on the patrons at the bar or was the spill merely a natural occurrence? coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
inf. do brown; do in (Юрий Гомон); con (Andrey Truhachev); get one over on (Technical); have someone going (Pickman); swindle (MichaelBurov); hustle (MichaelBurov); cheat (MichaelBurov); deceive (MichaelBurov); pigeon (someone MichaelBurov); pigeon (редк MichaelBurov); jip (VLZ_58)
Makarov. besot; come Yorkshire on (кого-либо); make a fool out of (someone – кого-либо); make a sucker out of (someone – кого-либо); put Yorkshire on (someone – кого-либо)
Makarov., slang sew up
obs. bubble; make somebody one's ape (Bobrovska); give someone the bob (Bobrovska); blobber; outjuggle
slang codd; mousetrap; take over; take somebody for a ride (кого-либо)
Игорь Миг, inf. rip someone off
одураченный prtc.
gen. taken in (scherfas); befuddled (Ваня.В)
Gruzovik fooled; deceived
amer. fall guy
inf. dumbed down (Taras); duped (Andrey Truhachev)
jarg. punked (traduiser)
rhetor. cheated (Alex_Odeychuk)
разг. одурачить v
gen. do brown
: 52 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Computing slang2
Obsolete / dated2