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verb | verb | to phrases
одеть vstresses
gen. busk; get smb. dressed (washed, fed, etc., и т.д., кого́-л.); clothe; accoutre; dress; gown; habit; invest; tire; bedight; do up; cover; get someone into their clothes (Dry the baby off as quickly as you can and get him into his clothes before he gets a chance to get cold. – оденьте его до того, как он замёрзнет. ART Vancouver); outfit (в т. ч. как самостоятельный глагол, не требующий дополнения: My mother runs a salon in Paris, and when Pippa and I are graduated, we're going to Paris where Mama will have us outfitted by the finest couturiers in France. • Park agreed that having everyone outfitted in uniforms, ones not decades old, instills a sense of pride in the students 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik attire (pf of одевать)
inf. provide with clothes
mil. accouter (equip or outfit, especially with military clothes MichaelBurov)
poetic array; garment
road.wrk. revet (откос)
uncom. habilitate
одеться v
gen. get dressed (ART Vancouver); slip into clothes (быстро); clothe the outer man; don oneself; put on things; attire; clothe oneself; cover; dress up; change (к обеду; ужину MichaelBurov); change (к обеду; к ужину MichaelBurov); dress
Gruzovik dress oneself
inf. clothe; provide with clothes
Makarov. dress oneself
mil., lingo gear up slang (I got to gear up real quick. Val_Ships)
одеть кого-либо v
gen. dress up (MichaelBurov)
: 120 phrases in 12 subjects
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